blogger’s portrait #2 : into the fold

I’m happy to share my favorite blogger from London- Camilla of Into the fold. I’m amazed by her sophisticated style ever since I discovered her blog (especially when I look back how I dressed as a teenager), and enjoy her beautiful photographies (lots of travel too) as well as her witty, fun writing. Here are the questions I asked her. Thanks a lot, Camilla! Enjoy :) 

1. Where are your favorite places to shop in London?
I love Knightsbridge because the area is so elegant and classy, I can also browse Harrods and drool over all the pretty things I can’t afford! For vintage shopping, Brick Lane is the best. Rokit vintage has an amazing selection of pretty much everything you could ever want.

2. Where is your favorite place to visit?
Copenhagen and Paris, these are my two favorite cities in the world. They are both especially beautiful in the summer and are full of unexpected shops and restaurants to discover.

3. Any advise who wants to start a blog?
Be bold! Don’t lose sight of who you are, and let that shine through in what you post. Be yourself because everyone else is taken.

今回紹介するのはまだ10代のロンドンのブロガーCamilla。彼女のブログInto the fold は写真はもちろん文章もユーモアたっぷりでまだ10代とは思えないセンスの良さ。特に自分の10代の頃を考えると。。下記Camillaに聞いてみたQ&Aです☆

1. ロンドンでお気に入りのお店は?
エレガントな雰囲気のKnightsbridgeが好き。後高価で買えない物をHarrodsで見て回るのも。ヴィンテージはBrick Laneが一番。Rokit vintageは品揃えが良く必ず欲しい物が見つかるお店。

2. 旅行のお気に入りの場所は?

3. ブログを始めたい人へのアドバイス
自分を見失わず、勇敢(大胆)でいる事。自分自身でいる事 – 他の人はもう皆とられちゃってるし!

人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ
Thank you so much for your support :)

20 thoughts on “blogger’s portrait #2 : into the fold

  1. kristina

    once again akiko – another beautiful portrait well done. + i need to check out her blog, great interview as well! hope you’re having a wonderful weekend akiko! xo – k

  2. Tatj

    I love your drawing, as always, anyway I wanted to play to the giveaway portrait but, I’m so lazy to camp on my computer, even if it’s quick to do it, but I hope there will be an another giveaway!

  3. Andrea

    love this poat! it will be an honour having one of your portraits done because they are! LOL! I love her so much too and her advice was so accurate and right!
    By the way today’s post is all about HOW TO BE CONFIDENT hope you like it xo

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