I again used rice flour instead of all purpose flour (previous one here), and it turned out very easy and tasty. Because resins were so good with the muffins, I will add more inside next time. This is a very healthy snack as most of the ingredients are rice flour, kabocha pumpkin, and maple syrup (no sugar!). * It gets hard on surface after a while, but it’ll get soft again when you microwave with plastic wrap for about 30 sec.
Ingredients :
Ingredients :
A. 2 cups rice flour, 1 tablespoon baking powder
B. 1 cup kabocha pumpkin paste, 6 tablespoons maple syrup, 150cc soy milk
材料 :
材料 :
A. 米粉2カップ、ベーキングパウダー大さじ1
B. カボチャのペースト1カップ、メープルシロップ大さじ6、 豆乳150cc
1. Combine all B ingredients in a bowl and mix. * Steam, boil or microwave a pumpkin until it gets soft. Peel skin (but no need to peel it all). Use potato masher to mash pumpkin.
1. Bをボールに入れて混ぜる。*カボチャは蒸すか茹でるかレンジでチンして柔らかくしマッシャーでつぶす。皮は取ったけど、残っていてもOK
2. Combine A (dry) ingredients together and mix with B bowl. Fill muffin cups and add resins on top.
2. Aの材料を合わせて、Bと混ぜる。マフィンカップに流し入れ、レーズンを上にトッピング。
3. Bake in the preheated oven (350 F) for about 30 minutes
3. 180度予熱のオーブンで約30分焼く
Thank you so much for your support :)
They look yummy and healthy! Thank you for sharing! x
Pumkin muffins…. keep these on hold for Halloween!
Mmm, these look so, so delicious Akiko, all of your recipes always do! Hope you had a great Monday! Xx
Thank you all :) @Fashion Follows Her- I didn’t think about Halloween at all, but it’s a great idea! I should make this with Halloween decorations
Yayyy for healthy desserts! Must try this recipe soon. Thanks for posting dear! :)
Do you want us to follow each other? Let me know!
xx, Mela
whaaaaaat?! kabocha muffin?!!? i must try this!
SNB: Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy me