belgian chocolate cake

I haven’t baked actual cakes for a while, but am so glad that I tried this one. It’s very easy to make, and taste amazing. It was gone so quickly and everyone loved it. I wish I could take more pictures to show you inside (crunchy outside and moist inside). I’ve already made this cake two times in a row!
Ingredients : 9 oz semi-sweet chocolate, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons unsolted butter, 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons almond flour (or regular flour), 5 large eggs, powdered sugar for sifting on top

材料 : 9 oz (約255g) セミスイートチョコレート、1カップ+大さじ2 バター、1カップ 砂糖、大さじ3 アーモンドパウダー(or 小麦粉)、卵 5個、上にかける粉砂糖
1. Put the butter and then the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 1min, then stir. Microwave for another 30 sec, and stir again. Until the chocolate completely melts.
1. 最初にバターをその上にチョコをのせレンジで1分チンする。かき混ぜて更に30秒、チョコが完全に溶けてなかったら更に数秒、チョコを完全に溶かす。
2. Beaten eggs with a whisk until well blended. Add the sugar and flour to the chocolate, then the eggs. and blend well. The mixture will thicken. Cover and set aside at room temperature for 30 min.
2. ボールに卵を割りよくかき混ぜる。チョコのボールにお砂糖と小麦粉を入れ、その後かき混ぜた卵を入れよく混ぜる。ラップをして30分部屋に置いておく。
3. Pour into an oiled 9 inch spring-form pan. Bake at 325 degrees for about 50-55min until firm on top and cracks from across the surface. Cool on a rack, then remove the outer ring.
3. 9インチ(約22cm)のケーキ型に流し入れ162度で50分~55分焼く。表面が固くなりひび割れるのが目安。ラックに置いて冷ました後周りの枠を取り外す
4. Sift powdered sugar over the top.
4. 表面に粉砂糖を振りかける

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11 thoughts on “belgian chocolate cake

  1. Kela Taconea

    Great!! i´t´s must be delicious :) I wanna eat something right now :D You don´t follow me yet via Google Friend? :((

    Today new post, don´t miss it!
    Kisses from Spain, Kela

  2. K

    Oooh yummmmy… I want chocolate cake now! I love how this looks, the powdered sugar looks like it snowed on your cake, thanks for sharing Akiko! xk

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