
I haven’t been able to post for a while since my macbook pro suddenly broke down last week and has been in an ‘Apple hospital’. I once realized how much we depend on a computer nowadays as I almost couldn’t do anything (besides drawing on a paper). I’m so happy it came back good as a technician told me I might have to buy a new one. Anyway, I’m loving the oversized silk top. I have a thing about silk lately. Oh and monochrome too.

先週末いきなりMacの画面がストライプになって使えなくなり修理に出してました。いや~分かってはいたけどコンピューターがないと不便を通り越してほぼ何もできない… 紙にイラストを描くにしても何かとコンピューターを使っているんだと改めて実感。最初買い替えかもって言われたので無事そんなにかからず直せてよかった! 服はお気に入りのトップとバッグと靴(全部)。最近モノトーンの服ばかり載せてる気がするけど実際いつもこんな感じな気分です

 人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ

Thank you so much for your support :)

11 thoughts on “monochrome

  1. Nicole K.

    Haha, “apple hospital”! I’m so glad that it’s healed now. Ugh, it’s so true that people rely on internet and technology a lot nowadays.. it’s a good and bad thing in a way. Glad that you’re back to blogging now though!

    Anyway, love your black and white outfit- that top and your shoes are my favourite!! Love your white toe nails too- it really contrasts well with the black shoes!X

    Have a lovely day!
    Chic Nikkie

  2. Akiko

    @Nicole K. I know, right? It’s very convenient, but sometimes feel it’s kind of a bad thing in a way. Thank you for your kind word! :)

  3. Akiko

    @Nicole K. I know, right? It’s very convenient, but sometimes feel it’s kind of a bad thing in a way. Thank you for your kind word! :)

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