Labor day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer, and it suddenly feels like fall today. We’re low key this summer and haven’t done much (aka. no vacation), but had nice time with my family and friends. Here are some small things I did. Hope you had a good one too! P.s. the photo was taken at Palos Verdes which is my husband’s favorite place.
– Got a juicer. Finally! and we love it. I’d love to post my favorite combo here sometimes (when I have more than one favorite combo).
– but Started to love soda.. Don’t know what happened. I love fresh juice from a juicer, but also crave soda a lot. I blame on the heat wave.
– Love reading a book again. I still read lots of gossips articles on the internet, but reading a book is so refreshing.
– Less is more starting to work. I haven’t bought almost any clothes this summer including sale items! But fall is a different story. I have few things in my mind and can’t wait to get those.
アメリカは先週末Labor dayと言う休日でこの3連休が終わると夏も終わりな雰囲気。で本当に急に秋っぽくなった感じです。今年の夏は旅行にも行かずあっと言う間に終わってしまったけど、下記この夏にした小さい日々の小さい出来事です
– ジューサー購入. かなり前から話していてやっと買いました。今度お気に入りジュースのレシピを載せたいと思います(今の所1種類しか作ってないので他にも試したら。。)
– なのにソーダ類がやめられない.. ジューサーで作るフレッシュジュースも美味しいけどなぜかソーダにハマり中。暑いのが原因と言う事で。。
– 読書復活. 未だにネットでも色々ゴシップ読んでるけどやはり本はいい! と再実感
– 物を少なく実行. 今年の夏はセールにも手を出さずいつもより洋服類は買わずに過ごしました。けど秋は別、欲しい物リストもあるしお気に入りを買うのが楽しみ
Thank you so much for your support :)
end of summer
- mason jar breakfast
- check shirt
sounds like a relaxing summer! what book are you reading?
wow! Fantastic pic:) I love it
@Shoko, it’s good to hear from you! I’ve been reading Girlboss and some japanese books. I’ll share details here on the blog soon. :)