Time goes by faster than usual lately and I’ve been always sleepy too.. What is going on? I thought I’m having enough sleep. Ok, I blame on the heat like a mid-summer day. Hope you’re having a nice in-between season (or it calls fall already?) Here are my instagram photo details.
1. My all time favorite Nike sneakers and 3.1 Phillip lim bag / Shopping heaven=Barneys NY
2. Beautiful sunset at Parlos Verdes / Almond butter + blueberry + nuts toast
3. Always pretty view with palm trees in LA / Yummy sushi dinner in Japan
4. Foi = faith in French / J.Crew shirt dress
5. Few minutes before landing to LAX airport / New Essie polishes.
最近いつもに増して時が過ぎるのが早い&何だか毎日眠い。。しっかり寝てるのにナゼ?微妙に時差ボケが残ってるのか、9月末なのに真夏の様な暑さからなのか、何かが変わる時なのか(←どこかで読んだスピリチュアルな観点より) とにかくこれを書いてる今も眠いのでこれかいたらもう寝る事にします。良い週末を! 最近撮ったインスタグラムの写真達は。。
1. いつも愛用のNike sneakersと3.1 Phillip lim bag / ショッピング天国バーニーズNY
2. Parlos Verdesの綺麗な夕焼け / アーモンドバター+ブルーベリー+ナッツ トースト
3. いつ見ても飽きないヤシの木の風景 / 日本で食べた美味しかったお寿司
4. Foi = faith in French / J.Crewのシャツドレス
5. LAの空港に降り立つ数分前の景色 / 最近久日ぶりに買ったEssieのポリッシュ
Thank you so much for your support :)
insta lately
- check pants
- steven alan spring15
Great photos! I always love seeing your Instagram posts <3
Nice instaweek
Oh wow, you have one incredible instagram account! Your photo taken before landing at LAX airport is fantastic and has me dreaming of future travels.. and that 3.1 Phillip Lim Bag is to die for! :)
– I follow back on bloglovin’ –
Wow, love them all :)))
beautiful photos!!
(IG: @TheStardustBohemian)
Lovely photos!
xx Elle
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http://www.cherryblossomstreet.com -Swedish Model and Blogger in Tokyo