Happy New Year! It’s nice to start feeling refreshed and ready to get back. Although I haven’t really felt like a “New Year’s resolutions” mode, it’s the perfect time to think about what I want to do and how I want to live in the next twelve months. Do you have New Year’s resolutions? Mines are..
1. Be present. Just to live and enjoy the moment, not the pass or future.
2.Just try. 3. Let go of results. I’ve realized that I sometimes focus on a result too much and have less motivation when I don’t get it. So let go of results and just try. Instead of having specific goals, my goal is just to keep doing what I decided to do. Results are important, but it’s important to let it go as well.
明けましておめでとうございます☆ こっちも今日から本格的に仕事が始まりました。私は2日も働いたけど.. でもやっぱり今日からスタートって気がする! 最近は昔ほど新年の抱負を決めるって感じもないけど、やはり年の最初は切り替えしやすいし今後どうしたいか考えるのにいい時なので少し書いてみます☆
1. 今を生きる。って言うと何か映画のタイトルみたいだけど、過去でもなく未来でもなく心を今に持つ。て中々難しいけどこの瞬間を楽しめる様にしたい
2. 結果を気にせず 3.やり続ける。前はよく色々なゴールを設定してたけど、結果を気にしすぎると思う様な結果がでなかった時やる気が失せるし、自分の努力だけではどうにもならない事も多いので、気にしすぎずやると決めた事をトライし続ける。* 英語で言うと去年流行ったlet it go です
Thank you so much for your support :)
i haven’t made any resolutions because i’m so terrible at keeping them. i really love the concept of being present though. all the best in 2015 :)
great goals! im the they same way, i tend to focus on results way too much!
I really like these goals, in my opinion these are the most important things to keep in mind in order to get results without thinking about results all the time! (If that makes sense, haha). Have a happy new year~