

How’s your Thanksgiving day? I baked this icing cookies and pie pops for the big turkey day. I tried to take pictures while I did icing, but I was too busy to bother even a second (it got dry out so fast..) Hope I’ll be able to make How-to post next time. Anyway, hope you’re having a nice weekend! I’m moving out soon; my place is getting really messy now

アメリカは先日感謝祭 (Thanksgiving)で、又アイシングクッキーを作ってみました。このブログにHow toを載せれればと思ったけどアイシングを始めたら写真撮る余裕0で結局又出来上がり写真しかありませんが。。次回写真が撮れれば載せたいと思います。皆様良い週末を!私は引っ越しが近くなってきたので家の中がひどく荒れてきてます。

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sweet halloween

Halloween is around the corner, and I was going to make my favorite icing cookies (here), but decided to bake something different this time. These chocolate sandwich cookies are so much fun to make, and very tasty. I use this recipe and mix Hershey’s milk chocolate and Ghirardelli dark chocolate. Happy Halloween! p.s. Thank you Miranda for posting this :)

もうすぐハロウィン。アイシングクッキーを作ろうかと思ったけど今回はちょっと違うのに挑戦。このチョコサンドクッキーは作るのも楽しい上に美味しい!まぁアイシングクッキーと同じレシピ使ってるんですが。。くり抜いたこチビクッキーが可愛くてたまらないっ。チョコはHershey’sミルクチョコとGhirardelliダークチョコを混ぜてみました☆ Happy Halloween!

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Thank you so much for your support :)


I was still full this morning from the turkey dinner last night. These cookies were the only cooking (baking) I did for thanksgiving (I always have so much fun doing icing decoration!), but we had such delicious meals from others. I’m wondering what your black friday plans are. Did you go shopping? I’ve never managed to go early in the morning.. Have a great long weekend!

今朝は昨日のサンクスギビングディナーでまだお腹がいっぱいだった私。このクッキー達が唯一私が作った物だけど(アイシングのデコレーションが楽しすぎ!)、他の皆の美味しい料理で大満足。今日はBlack Fridayと言う感謝祭の翌日の大きなセールの日で夜中から開いてる店も多いのです。行った人いるかな?私は早起きして行った事ないけど。。皆様よい週末を!

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Thank you so much for your support :)

baby shower cookies

I took some photos when I baked these cookies, so this is a close up shot of some icing decorations. I also received some emails asking me how I got this baby blue icing. I added just a tiny bit of blue food coloring to white icing. Love the result. 


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baby blue action

Besides the diaper cake from my previous post, I baked cookies too. As I was a host for a baby shower, I wanted to make sure it turned out good or at least okay. It definitely took some practice to decorate with icing (I didn’t take any photos of my test icing, but it was pretty bad..). but once I got used it, it was so much fun and kind of addictive :)


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