two years anniversary

anniversary cake
Two years has passed since we got married..! It seems quickly and slowly at the same time. We’ve fought a little more than few times like we’d never fought when we’re dating. We’ve had disagreements and argued about stupid things (just happened yesterday). But overall, Omar always makes me feel safe and loved, and he has been a great supportive husband I could ever ask for. Thank and love you x million times and a lot more to come! We celebrated our two years anniversary with this cake I made and flowers he got for me. :)
*The cake: my favorite vegan chocolate cake recipe using this mini springform pan set.

オマーと結婚して2年が経ちました。あっと言う間の様な気もするし、まだ2年か〜と言う気もするし。。結婚する前にはなかった大きな喧嘩やどうでもいい事で言い争いになる事もあるけど (昨日もキーっとなったばかり)、いつも優しいオマーのお陰で楽しい穏やかな結婚生活を送れて本当に感謝な日々です。結婚記念日にオマーがバラを買ってきてくれたので慌ててケーキを焼いてみました。もっとちゃんと用意しておけばよかったと後悔。。前作ったチョコレートケーキでクリームは市販の売ってるのを使いました。このミニケーキ型を買ったので近々又レイヤーケーキを作りたいと考え中☆

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apple pie

apple pie
Ever since I saw this ‘apple pie in an actual apple’ somewhere on a web, it stuck in my head and wanted to try it. I mean it’s an apple pie with less flour and more apples! It’s pretty easy to make as well. You can use whatever pie sheet you like (store bought pie crust works too). It tasted little less sweet than regular apple pie, so you can add more sugar if you like (or it’s perfect with ice cream!) *I lost the website address.. Let me know if you know who makes this. I read the recipe at the time, so remember a little but made it with my version.
Ingredients: 5 granny smith apples, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 sheet of pie crust, walnuts and raisins as desire. 

材料: 青リンゴ5個、砂糖1/4カップ、シナモン小さじ1/2、好きなパイシート、ナッツやレーズンをお好みで

apple pie recipe
1. Preheat oven 375F. Slice top off of apples, then carefully remove the inner part of each apple with a large spoon. 
* slice thinly remaining one apple (for filling).
2. In a large bowl, mix sliced apple with sugar, cinnamon, walnuts, raisin. Fill hollow apples with apple filling. Slice pie crust into strips and cover each apple. 
3. Add water to bottom of baking dish to cover the bottoms of the apples. Cover with foil and bake about 25 minutes. Remove foil and bake additional 20 minutes. 

1. オーブンを180度に予熱。りんごの上の部分をカットし、スプーンで中身をくり抜く。
* 残りのりんご1個は小さくスライスしておく
2. ボールにスライスしたリンゴと砂糖、シナモン&お好みの中身を入れ混ぜ、くり抜いたリンゴにそれぞれ中身を入れる。パイシートでリンゴをカバーする。
3. りんごの底だけ水に浸る様に天板に水をいれアルミホイルでカバ−して25分程焼く。ホイルを外して更に20分程焼く。

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halloween cookies

Hard to believe but it’s already October and I started to see Halloween items everywhere. It means my baking season is coming..! My biggest inspiration is now on Pinterest and can’t wait to try new ideas. Do you have any plans? These are my favorite sandwich cookies I baked for my friends. I love the little mini cookies. So cute.

Cocoa cookies with dark chocolate and sugar cookies with Apricot preserve. Chocolate ones are little bitter and Apricots are more sweet. Both so yummy. 


I used this halloween cookie cutters. This is a similar one too.


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vegan carrot cake

After getting a juicer, it feels guilty how much of the pulp leftover is wasted. So I decided to bake carrot cake using carrot pulp leftover. Good idea! right? I used this amazing vegan recipe and was excited to make nuts frosting for the first time. The frosting doesn’t look very smooth and creamy in my photos? Yes, it doesn’t.. I realized this was as creamy as it gets after I let my poor blender worked so hard. * It supported to be very creamy (here) if you have higher speed blender, such as Vitamix. Still it tastes amazing and perfect with the cake.  

ジューサーを使う度に出る大量の絞りかすがもったいない! ので唯一思い浮かんだ人参ケーキを作ってみました。卵もバターも使わないこのレシピを使ってみた所美味しくできました。始めて作ったナッツのフロスティングは見た目はザラついてるけど、実際ザラついてた。。Vitamix等高速なブレンダーがあればこの様にもっと滑らかクリーミーになるけど、普通のブレンダーではここまでが限界でした。少しつぶがあるけど美味しかったので高速ブレンダーがある方は是非
I added 1/4 cup raisins, and the walnuts on top makes a big different in my opinion.  

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mason jar breakfast

I tend to eat the same breakfast everyday until I finally fed up with it. Either granola with soy milk, a toast with different toppings, or pancakes (Actually no, I want to eat pancakes everyday, but don’t have time to make it during the week..). So I decided to make something different and got this Mason Jar idea thanks to Pinterest

Basically we can put whatever you want in a jar. I added chia seed pudding, some fruits and granola. I’d love to try with yogurt next time!


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