
trend alert: wide pants + flat sandals

I just realized it’s been about a year since I posted about Birkenstock, and the Birkenstock-ish sandals are literally everywhere now. You see them right? As I mentioned before, I’m still not so into the birks (as fashion), but love the flat sandals we can find this Spring/Summer season. Especially the combination with wide pants. It’s hard to pull it off (I need more height!), but it looks extra cool when people like Kaitlyn of Modern Legacy wear the combinations. Always fun to draw someone inspires me!

見てみたらちょうど1年前にBirkenstockの記事を書いてたけど、今年の春夏はまさにどのブランドも同じ様なサンダルを出してますね。ファッションとしてのBirksサンダルはあまり惹かれないけど(普段の買い物とかには良さそうだが)、沢山でてる他のフラットサンダルは惹かれるっ。イラスト描くために色々サイト見てたら欲しくなってきちゃった。。特にワイドパンツをフラットの組み合わせは中々着こなしが難しいけどイラストに描いたブロガーのKaitlynみたいにスタイルがいい人が着ると素敵! この春夏一押しの組み合わせです☆
Here are some of flat shoes I picked. * Kaitlyn wore 1. Common Projects sandals
1. Common Project slide sandals
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life in heels

I may have mentioned it before, but I used to wear high-heels all the time. I had no problem walking/shopping around *most of the time unless I picked wrong kind of (painful) heels. However, I didn’t think about wearing even one-inch of heels while in Japan. No way! We have to walk miles and miles there (at least it feels like it) and my spoiled legs get so tired so easily. I love sneakers, but I don’t want to give up wearing heels just yet. It’s easier here in California as we drive everywhere, but I’ll try to walk in heels a bit more than a few steps. I read an interesting post of Sabrina of AfterDRK that she tried to wear nothing but heels one week. My drawing is from her amazing shoes collection too.

前も書いたかもだけど以前は高いヒールで歩き回ってたのに(足に合わない痛い靴は別だけど)日本にいる間は1cmですらヒールがある靴は履く気になれずスニーカーの毎日。ここの車社会の生活で思ってた以上に足が衰えてる。。 スニーカーも好きだけど、これでヒールを履かなくなったらもう戻れない気がするので駐車場までの数歩だけでなくもう少し歩く様にしよう..と地味に決意した所。ブロガーのサブリナが1週間ヒールのみで過ごすって記事を書いてて面白かった&靴コレクションが素敵だったのでイラストに描いてみました☆

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spring14 wishlist : tote bag

It’s February already (!) and I started to think about Spring/Summer wardrobes. whenever I want to feel good or relax, you know? That’s my way to feel good really. :) Anyway, it’s still pretty chill out there so not sure about whole s/s shopping list yet. But the only specific item on my mind is a black tote bag. Mansure Gavriel is one of my top lists, but the only concern is the size. It looks perfect on people, often look weird (too big) on me.. The Acne bag is fun with the logo, but not sure for everyday bag for all year around. So still searching and let you know when I find “the one”. *I’ll announce a winner later today on  the giveaway post!

気づいたらあっと言う間に2月.. (多分)セールも終わり春物が出始めてる頃だし私もこの春夏に欲しいリストを考え始めました。考えるだけで楽しい☆ まだ寒い日も多いしまだまだ冬だけど、バッグはほぼ決まりで黒のトートになりそう。ってどちらかと言うと冬物だけど、冬はもう閉め切ったので(←自分の中で)春夏に買いたいと思います。前も載せたMansure Gavrielが一番の候補だけど私には大きい可能性があるので実物を見たい所。他の人が持ってて素敵でも私が持つと不格好な事が多々あるので要注意。後アクネのロゴトートも可愛いし色も好きだけど、毎日持つにはロゴはどうかなぁと迷ってる所です。決まったら又載せたいと思います☆

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style resolution

I used to make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of each year, such as.. become a morning person (never happened), read more books and less internet (again..), or eat less sugar (…). So I decided not to make any and go with the flow this year. However, I have a style resolution. It’s almost same as last year but my style resolution is..
— Quality over Quantity —
The older I get, the more I love simplicity, less material and better quality. It doesn’t mean expensive stuff and can be low price vintage finds. The illustration I made is the images from Totokaelo and I’m obsessed with the items they carry and amazing styling. Such an eye candy! Have you made your New Year’s resolution?

毎年新年になると抱負を立ててたけど(朝型人間になるとか、ネットより本を読むだとか砂糖を控えるだとか。どれも続かず…)今年は特に何も決めずにいこうかと思ってます。けどファッションに関しては一つ、昨年とあまり変わらないけど “量より質”。より物を少なく長く使える質の良い物で生活していきたい。もちろん高ければいいと言う意味ではなくビンテージで安く見つけた物でも◎。 イラストに描いたのはお気に入りのサイトTotokaeloのスタイルから。AcneやMMM等最近気になるブランドを扱っていてスタイリングも素敵。中々買えるサイトではないけど目の保養に♥

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trend alert : mansur gavriel

I’m not sure when I first saw Mansure Gavriel‘s beautiful bags, but ever since it’s been on my wishlist. It may be little late but I have to post them as I’m so in love with the simple clean look, which says.. “inspired by natural textures, pop colors, clean lines and simple shapes, the collection evokes italy in the 60’s or a classic california easiness”. I had fun drawing them and the color combinations are nothing but awesome.

少し前からじわじわと人気が出てきてるMansure Gavrielのバッグ。上質なイタリアンレザーを使ったシンプルなラインで(基本はイラストに描いたバケットかトートのみ)裏の色が選べるのもユニークで◎。シンプルで良いものを長く使いたい人達に大人気なバッグです。私も欲しい..!

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