Photo diary

long night

As Daylight Saving Time ended, the nights start getting longer and longer. I used to feel sad this time of the year, but started to like it as I grew older. Here are some of the things I want to do longer hours at night at home. * The photos were taken during our roadtrip to North. I’m kind of cheese addict lately. Have a nice weekend!
 1. Read more book (When did I stop reading a book? I love reading, but haven’t read any lately)
 2. Chose a few dramas and watch via Netflix (we just connected and love it!)
 3. Cook more soup.
 4. Set work hours and have relaxing time at night (Then I’ll be able to do the list above).

こないだサマータイムが終わってますます暗くなるのが早くなってあっと言う間に夜。前は寂しく感じてたけど段々秋冬に入る感じが好きになってきたこの頃。夜も長い事だし家でゆっくりしたい事を書いてみます。写真はこないだのワイナリーで撮ったのと旅行中のディナー。最近チーズが好き☆ 良い週末を!
 1. 本を読む。読書の秋で定番だけど最近全然本を読んでないので何か読みたい気分
 2. 元々連続ドラマを追ってみないのでNetflixで面白そうなのを選んで一気に見たい
 3. 寒くなってきたしもっとスープを作る
 4. 何より仕事のスケジュールをちゃんと立てて夜はリラックスする。でないと上の事もできないっ

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Thank you so much for your support :)

fresh air

I had such a fun relaxing time with my friend the other day exploring a botanical garden and walking around the beach. I wanted to be somewhere full of nature and stay away from all the technologies. Although internet is such a useful tool that we can’t live without (don’t even know how we worked before them!), we sometimes need a break. Hope you had a nice weekend!

最近自然に触れてなかったので先日友達と植物園に行って歩きまわったりビーチを散歩したりしてきました。自然の中を色々話しながら歩いてデトックスできて楽しかった。 ネットはとても便利でなくては何もできない環境になったけどたまには離れて自然に触れるのってとても重要。カメラを持ち歩いたので写真も沢山撮れたしすっごくキレイなサンセットも見れて充実でした☆

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Thank you so much for your support :)


This isn’t something I can wear, but I’d love to share it as I truly love them. I got this little crystal (with golden needles inside!) for feng shui purpose. Feng shui teaches us how to create balanced harmonious energies where we live, work and environments that can improve our physical and mental health. I’m not an expert at all and know only a few things, but I believe everything is energy and positive energy flow. This beautiful crystal will be with us for a long time :)

先日偶然出会って購入した風水用の天然の金の針が入ってる不思議なひょうたん型クリスタル。身につけるアクセサリーではないけど風水っぽくない見た目もすごくお気に入りなので載せてみます。少しの知識しかないけど前から風水には興味があって本を読んだりしてる私。すごく良い/悪いと場所や人の気も感じる方で気の流れはとっても重要。このクリスタルはとってもいい感じ☆ 風水を知らなかったオマーも私が話してから信じる様になってきてるこの頃です。

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Thank you so much for your support :)

the other side

When we think of beaches in California, it consists of palm trees, surfers, or lots of sunshine etc. These photos I took somewhere between New port and Laguna shows a different side of sunny california beach. There is always another side to the picture, maybe.


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Thank you so much for your support :)


I’ve heard Google Friend Connect (GFC) is ending on July 1st, but for some reasons I thought it won’t happen. However, seems like it’s really happening, I should start to follow my favorite blogs via Bloglovin this weekend. If you follow my site on GFC, here’s my Bloglovin. Hope we can keep in touch and have a great weekend!

Google Friend Connect (GFC)が6月いっぱいで終わるみたい。聞いてはいたけど何故かそのまま残ると勝手に思ってた所本当になくなるみたいなので、週末中にお気に入りブログをBloglovinでフォローし直す予定。私のBloglovinはここからフォローできるのでよかったら☆

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Thank you so much for your support :)