Photo diary

our place

This table set is probably the most favorite pieces in our place. When Omar and I moved in together, his friend Gus made this table, chairs and bench for us (how good he is!). I’d been looking for this kind of table, so I was/am so happy how it turned out. Now Gus started to make us a little bench for our plants in our balcony, and I’m so excited about it. I think I have to work this weekend, but hope I can enjoy the sunny weather a bit. Hope you guys have a nice weekend!

このテーブルセットはここに引っ越してきた時にオマーの友達が作ってくれた物で、家の中で一番のお気に入り。こんな感じのテーブルとベンチが欲しかったのでまさに好みのを作ってくれて感激。今はバルコニーのプラント達のベンチを作ってくれてる様で楽しみ楽しみ。できたら又アップしたいと思います☆今週末は仕事する事になりそうだけど、天気も良さそうだし少しは外に出てリラックスしたいなぁ。Have a nice weekend!

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Once I find good cosmetic products, I start using them over and over without trying something new. As far as mascara goes, Lancome has been my everyday product until I discovered Maybelline Volume Express. I don’t see the differences between the two, but the price is so much friendlier.
* Thank you so much for your comment on my previous post! It makes me so happy.

1度いいコスメを見つけると同じ物をずっと使い続ける私。マスカラはランコムと定番の?評判を元に何年も使ってきましたが、最近メイベリンのVolume Expressも評価を得ている事を知り使ってみた所中々◎!そして私にはランコムとの差が分からず。でも値段は半分以下で嬉しい限り、お勧めです☆
*前の記事にコメントやメッセージくれてどうもありがと〜 嬉!

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Thank you so much for your support :)

wedding on the beach

Omar and I had our wedding at Ko-Olina beach in Hawaii last February. Although it was a little ceremony on the beach, it was pretty stressful for me to prepare everything. I managed to get it together on time, thanks to my friend and family’s help (I can’t even imagine how hard it is to have a big ceremony..!). I feel so thankful that Omar and I could have a perfect intimate ceremony with my family and we had such a great time. Special thanks to Carrie from Cherished in Hawaii Wedding who helped us from the beginning. We highly recommend them if you want to have a wedding in Hawaii.
Coordinated and photographed by Cherished in Hawaii Wedding 

2月にハワイに行った際KoOlinaのビーチで結婚式を挙げてきました。静かな隠れ家的なビーチで日本から家族も来てくれて無事楽しい式ができてよかった 嬉☆ ビーチでの小さな式だったけど何かと準備が遅れてる私にドレスを貸してくれたり(その後ドレスが間に合ったのでグローブだけ貸してもらいました)ジュエリー等は日本から持ってきてもらったりで本当に助かりました。ありがとう〜(沢山人を招待して披露宴等やる皆本当に尊敬。大変さが想像もできない…!)ハワイのコーディネーターも優しい方で最初から細かくお世話してくれてとってもお勧めです(Cherished in Hawaii Wedding 英語)

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pinkish spring

I’ve been wearing dark nail polish colors during winter, but it’s time to change especially because of the nice warm weather we’ve been having (like over 80f!). I just realized that I have more Essie polish in lighter color and Opi in darker color (here). As you can see some of them are heavily used, I’d love to add some pretty shades soon.


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natural shampoo

I’ve heard about harmful chemicals in shampoos but never really cared much about it until recently when I start having allergic reaction on my skin (puffy eyes and itchy face). Obviously it wasn’t because of a shampoo I used, but after reading some articles, I felt like I want to try something new with no more bad stuff (especially you -Sodium Laureth Sulfate)! Since I had no idea what to get, I got the ones that sales lady at WholeFoods recommended to me. Let me know if you have any recommendations!

シャンプーに入ってる悪い成分については聞いた事あったけど(ラウリル硫酸 etc)今まで特に気にしてなかった私。だけどここ数ヶ月目が赤く腫れたり顔が痒くなったりの症状がでてて色々調べてた所シャンプーも変えてみようと決心。まぁシャンプーが直接の原因ではないので変えた所で特に何も変化は見られないけど、気持ち的にはいい感じ。よく分からないのでWholeFoodsの方が薦めてくれたのを買ってみました。

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