
dreams of sushi

Very first place Omar and I visited here in Japan was Tsukiji fish market. After exploring the fish market, my friend took us to an amazing sushi restaurant in Ginza named ‘seamon‘. Professional sushi chefs with bold hair welcomed us and served amazing sushi. I was too busy eating and talking to take pictures, but managed to take a few. Best sushi ever! This place located very close to Sukiyabashi jiro from Jiro dreams of sushi, and we of course took a look at the restaurant too (Jiro was there!). I’m not going to lie, we’ve been eating some of the best meals ever since we came to Japan. Many celebrations and happiness. Thank you so much for an amazing lunch. :)

今回は日本が始めての旦那様が一緒なので普段はあまりしない観光を楽しんでる私。まず最初に行った築地で場内外を観光した後、銀座で働いてるお友達が素敵な江戸前寿司屋さん鰤門に連れて行ってくれました 嬉。 オマーはもちろん私も銀座の本格江戸前寿司は始めてで感動、見た目も味も美味しかった☆ 数枚しか写真撮れなかったけど他にも沢っ山、一品料理も美味。帰りにはお友達の旦那様に近くにあった’すきやばし次郎’(アメリカで人気のドキュメンタリー Jiro dreams of sushi のお店)にも連れて行ってもらったりですっかりお世話になってすっごく嬉しい楽しい素敵なランチでした。どうもありがとう!
東京都中央区銀座5-5-13 坂口ビル6階


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cherry blossom

Omar and I have been traveling in Japan at the best time of the year (literally!). Cherry blossoms are fully blooming and we’re having a blast. This is one of the prettiest cherry blossom tree I’ve seen and it’s little more pinkish than the most trees named ‘somei yoshino’ which has more whitish color. We’ve been taking hundreds of photos and can’t wait to share them here soon.

少し前からオマーと日本に来ています。私もいつぶりだろうって位、満開の桜が沢山見れて感動しっぱなし。京都への旅行も3日間ずっと快晴で日本が始めての彼と素敵な風景が見れて本当に良かった☆ これは京都で見れた中でもお気に入りの桜。ソメイヨシノよりピンクが濃い花ビラでとっても綺麗でした。沢山写真撮ってるので又載せたいと思います。

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insta japan

Although I didn’t get to go anywhere much during my stay in Japan this time, I had a great time exploring everything around. It included walking around my mom’s neighborhood, shopping at a department store (food sections as you see), managing to meet up with my long time good friends. More photos @akiko-styleimported


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late summer in japan

Haven’t been able to post much lately.. I came to Japan last week unexpectedly as my grandma passed away. It was so sad, but glad I could make it to her funeral. I’ve been helping my mom and all my family are doing good. Thank you for your comments as always, hope I can start visiting back more soon.


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back to cali

Time goes by so fast especially when we’re having a blast, and here I am already back in SoCal. I had such a great time in japan spending quality time with my family and friends. I feel so thankful to have my support team I can rely on back home. I could never survive here without them all these years. Miss them all and can’t wait to go back soon!

楽しい時間はあっと言う間でもうCA。家族と出かけたり友達と集まったり楽しかったなぁ。ここで元気に暮らしてられるのも彼らがいてくれるからこそ。何年経っても変わらず会える仲間がいて幸せ☆ 私以外誰か見る人いるのか?と始めたこのブログも楽しみに見てるよーっと言ってくれてちょっと恥ずかしながらも嬉しい限り。尊敬するアーティストのお友達と今年の目標も伝え合えたし気づいたら年末、、何て事にならない様に又日本に帰れる様がんばろぅ。家族っていいね、仲間っていいね☆

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