I’ve been trying to post this for a while after I did something olive back in June, but haven’t been able to take enough photos (of my blue items). So I’m glad I can finally post this and will try to do “Color Palette”again as these are my favorite. Hope you like it.! Here’s something blue among my belongings. From top : Polka dot top I bought in Japan, OPI. HL811-play’til midnight, Jas M.B London suede bag, Blue jeans, Mac eye shadow-fade
6月にsomething oliveを載せた後、ブルーバージョンも載せようと前に写真を撮っていたのだけど、最近青アイテムの写真が追加できて今になって載せれました。又このカラーシリーズを載せたいなぁっと思ってます。私のブルーアイテム達:日本で買ったトップ、OPI. HL811-play’til midnight、Jas M.B London スエードバッグ、ブルーデニム達、Macアイシャドゥ-fade
Thank you so much for your support :)
The top is so cute!
And I really like the nail polish.
Does it have a lilac touch or is it just the photo?
I love blue! Each of these pics is fabulous!!!!!!!
I love that denim inspired eye shadow and the OPI color!
New Visitor,
Liv @ bklynlifestyle.blogspot.com
Thank you all ! @ Miu, yes.. it looks like it (never noticed!), but I think it’s just a photo. Probably because It has shimmer in it.
what a nice post. i really like the bag and the color of the eyeshadow is so nice
Hope you’re having a good weekend
thank you so much for your lovely comment sweety:)
Love the color palette idea, blue is amazing right now!
<3 Kelly
akiko ~ i love this blue crush post of yours! your nails look superb and just perfectly painted! and that top is way cute!! hope your weekend is going great my friend!
xo ~ kristina
One of my favourite colours..
Lee x
Hi, aki-san!
Do you remember me? (^-^)
Since I noticed your other blog wasn’t updated, I’ve decided to post a comment here!
Glad to know you’re well and enjoying your life.
nice top!