very berry

I really like sheer blouses right now and hoping this warm weather will last a little longer. The tart from bottega louie was so good and there are so many more I’d love to try (obviously!). I can’t get enough of short boots and just noticed that my sheer top looks like it has berries on it. So random shots and writing..but hope all have a good night/day!

透けるシアートップが最近のお気に入り。美味しかったbottega louie のベリータルト&他にも食べたいスイーツが沢山。この秋はショートブーツの気分。この写真達をアップして気づいたけど1枚目のトップはベリーの柄に見える様な?かなりランダムな写真+文章になってしまったけど、皆様良い1日を!

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Thank you so much for your support :)

21 thoughts on “very berry

  1. kristina@beancakes ★

    ah! akiko, i LOVE LOVE those cowboy boots!! {such a pretty color and shape} and i also love that pretty berry blouse!!! they would look so nice paired together i think ~ and oh wow on the treats!! i’ve heard about this place before and i think i need to go now!!! happy monday to you akiko!! ;) ;)
    xoxo ~ kristina

  2. Joyce

    those sweet treats look so delicate and おいし! I think the sheer blouse you have is really pretty :) sometimes i find it difficult to find a printed blouse that isn’t too over the top but yours is the perfect balance.

    in response to your comment: No problem~ If you do decide to have a link exchange page or blogroll on your website, we’d still love to be link exchanges with you in the future. Thanks.

    Keep in touch <3


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