beautiful oahu

I just got back from hawaii and had an amazing time with my family there (I flew from LA and my family flew from japan. It was perfect!). Here are a few quick shots from my trip. I could try Matsumoto shave ice for the first time. My choice was Matcha green tea with red bean instead of their famous rainbow. It was the best shave ice I’ve ever had!

家族と待ち合わせて行ったハワイ旅行から帰ってきました。楽しかったー、あぁ戻りたい。。沢山写真撮ったけれど、取り急ぎ数枚。最後の写真は初めてに行けたMatsumoto shave ice 。有名なレインボーでなく日本人らしく?抹茶+あずきを注文。まっ周りにいた沢山の人の中であえてこれ食べてる人誰もいなかったけど今まで食べたかき氷の中で一番美味しかった!

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34 thoughts on “beautiful oahu

  1. kristina@beancakes ★

    ahhhh! the shave ice!!! i love shave ice ~ i always got the famous rainbow w. the azuki beans and condensed milk atop!! and what gorgeous photos here akiko!! i’m so glad that you had a great trip, you look beautiful and so happy!!!!
    xoxo ~ kristina


    BTW- just looked through more of your blog. Seems like you’re at The Camp a lot. My books are actually sold at Milk + Honey and Purre (right next to Old Vine). Look for “Recession Proof” and I’m doing a signing on the December 10 if you happen to be in the area maybe i’ll see you! It’s definitely a small world! ;P

    xx the cheap

  3. Leanne

    beautiful photos. I would love to go to Hawaii someday.

    The closest I’ve gotten to tropical paradise is Fiji because it’s only 4 hours by plane from Melbourne :)

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