new year

Happy New Year! I wanted to write a post earlier, but my boyfriend and I got sick on new years day and just recovered from the virus. It sounds bad (it was! especially on the very first night), but turned out that resting in my bed alone gave me some good time to think about a year ahead, which I needed. I’m also so thankful for my boyfriend who encouraged me when he had exactly same symptom. Just after recovering, I received good news from some friends and it made me happy too. I look forward to the new year for a new start. May 2012 be a great year for all of us..! 

明けましておめでとうございます。前の記事から随分経ってしまった。。元旦に彼と同時に何かの菌にやられ寝込んでました。だけど過ぎ去ってみれば一人ベッドで休んでる間にこれから始まる1年の事を色々考える事ができて良い時間が過ごせました(菌にやられた初日はそれどころじゃなかったけど。聞きたくもないと思われる内容なので詳細は控えます 笑)。今は友達から続けて嬉しいニュースも届き、新しい年が楽しみ。皆素敵な1年になります様に。。今年もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します☆

人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ
Thank you so much for your support :)

31 thoughts on “new year

  1. ねこちゃん

    (^。^)/明けましておめでとうございます !。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆ミ

    I’m happy to read that you and your boyfriend are well again! It is nice sometimes to have the time to think about things =) I wish you all the best for 2012!
    PS: I love your illustrations… !

  2. Cymone

    Happy New Years hunnie, im so sorry to hear that you were sick, but im glad you and your boyfriend recovered from the virus.

    I think this year will be the year for great things. I wish you the best as well in the year. <3

  3. kristina

    happy new year akiko!! i’m glad that you’re feeling better!! and i LOVE this gorgeous piece or art as always!! and p.s. don’t worry at all about my portrait ~ i’m really excited, but take your time ;) ;) ;)
    xoxo, kristina

  4. Jo Bao

    Hello, I just stumbled on your blog :) great to hear you and your boyfriend to get well ~ may you have a wonderful year!!

    I also saw your outfit posts, you have a great sense of style!! I’ll be visiting your blog again soon, take care!

    Jo Bao ♥

  5. Stacey

    Happy New Year Akiko! At least while you were sick you had your boyfriend by your side to encourage you. I wish you better health for the rest of the year! :D

  6. Cinz

    What a pretty illustration Akiko!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy year in 2012!!! I was actually sick with the flu and sore throat after Christmas and had a slight fever just 30 mins before count down at home! Yes, what a way to start the year eh? Take care for now:)


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