neon lemon

There are so many bright color items everywhere now, and my favorite trends for spring is neon-
                  1. The gingham check shirts is one of the best I’ve ever scored at thrift stores.
                  2. Always love Planet Blue’s look book.
                  3. My neon dots drawing.
                  4. Dinner at Season 52. The salmon was so yum-

                  1. 古着屋で見つけた春に活躍予定のギンガムチェックシャツ
                  2. Planet Blueのlook bookはいつも写真が素敵
                  3. ネオン水玉イラスト
                  4. Season 52でディナー。サーモン美味しかった☆

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21 thoughts on “neon lemon

  1. aislin

    that gingham shirt is so pretty! i borrowed almost the exact copy out of a friend’s closet for a country music festival last summer & felt so fashion forward in it [compared to my usual black, white, and grey].
    love the blog! newest follower! hope you’ll follow back!

  2. Jade in The Palace

    Hey akiko!
    I don’t think I can rock yellow , but I believe it will look good on you!!

    and thank you for your nice comment on my blog! I like your blog and now I’m following yours ;)

  3. Marisa Noelle

    Aw yes! Lemony yellow is most definitely one of my favorite colors for spring! That checked shirt is perfection:) it’s so bright and cheery and the best remedy for all this grey, wintery weather. Have a sweet weekend! xx Marisa

  4. kristina

    hi akiko! this post is so inspiring to me! well every post of yours is actually haha! but i just love the neon yellow color as well, so bright and cheerful for the upcoming season! your meal look divine and i love your thrift find!! hope you’re having a great weekend!!

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