There is a popular dessert in Japan, called “Sweet Potato”(I added “Cake” here to avoid confusion). So when we say “sweet potato”in Japan, we’re talking about a sweet dessert! Basically it’s a mashed sweet potato (←different from a yam) with sugar, butter and milk. Since I use maple syrup and honey instead of sugar, it’s not only yummy but healthy too. Ingredients below
1. Place potatoes in a bowl with enough water to cover. Leave it 15min. Drain. Microwave 10min or cook until fork tender.
2. Mash using a potato masher, add milk and butter. Then add maple syrup and honey.
1. 2cm位に切ったさつまいもをボールに入れ水にさらし15分置く。水を捨ててレンジで10分か、柔らかくなるまで茹でる。
2. 熱いうちにマッシャー等でつぶして牛乳とバターを加え、メープルシロップと蜂蜜も加える。
3. Make rectangle (or whatever you want) shape. Brush the tops with egg wash
3. 小判形を作り、照りを出したい時は卵とメープルシロップを混ぜたのを表面に塗る
4. Bake for 20 min in the preheated oven – 350 F (180 C).
4. 余熱しておいたオーブンで20分焼く(180度)
Ingredients : 材料 :
2 medium sweet potatoes さつまいも中2個
2 tablespoons maple syrup メープルシロップ 大さじ2
1 tablespoon honey 蜂蜜 大さじ1
1/2 cup cream (or milk or soymilk) 生クリーム 1/2カップ (牛乳、豆乳でも)
1 tablespoon unsalted butter 無塩バター 大さじ1弱
* Egg wash * 照りを出す仕上げ用
1 egg 卵1個
1/2 tablespoon maplesyrup メープルシロップ小さじ1
P.S Sorry I accidentally deleted some of your comments for this post.. nooo
Thank you so much for your support :)
Wow these look so unique and I love the photos!!
Gah, so cute! Chinese also have a sweet potato cake, but it is more orange in color and is filled with mashed red bean paste! I’ll have to try these; I find Asian sweets better because they are more healthy and less sweet ^-^
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Hi dear
NIce recipe, I take note
These look sooo good! I love the sweet potatoes you get in Japan. For some reason they taste even more amazing than the sweet potatoes you get here in Malaysia. But then again, pretty much everything in Japan tastes amazing.
It looks good! But I don’t really fancy sweet potatoes. Would it work with just normal potatoes?
And btw, thank you for following me! I’m your follower already from quite some time ago. xox
Kisses from Singapore
♡ Jaslin from
look so good. i love sweet potatoes ! gonna try to make this someday ! :)
I love Japanese sweets! I’m definitely trying this recipe soon and will post about it!
Thanks for the receipe, I love it, I always want to cook it because I tasted it in a japanese restaurant in korea. Thought it wasnt best as it is really. I learnt that potatoes and red beans were a kind of base, isnt it ?
When I first moved to Japan, I saw sweet potatoes everywhere. The idea of it as dessert is very strange to a British person. Two years later, I became a sweet potato ice-cream addict. I cannot wait to try your dessert – looks so tasty!