blogger’s portrait #5 : blame it on fashion

I’m exicited to share my favorite blog of all- Blame it on fashion. Marie is originally from Denmark, but lived in LA when I first discovered her blog. I immediately fell in love with her sophisticated style (great LA look, but always European touch). I literally want to own every single pieces she has, including items she constantly posts that she’s an eye on. She moved back to Europe to start living in London. We miss her, but all can enjoy her style anywhere she lives!

1. What other bloggers or celebrities styles do you admire?
I would love to plunder the wardrobes of Taylor Tomasi Hill, Caroline Sieber, Olivia Palermo, Chloe Sevigny.
2. You have a great jewelry collection, where do you find most of your pieces?
I’m always looking for some fierce jewelry, and Dannijo is definitely my first go-to. A lot of my jewelry also comes from the Danish designer-duo Line & Jo. It’s so simple and beautiful!
3. What is the best fashion advice you have ever received?
I really believe in dressing after who you are and not who you want to be. Feel good and you will look good. A friend of mine once told me to always roll the cuffs and show a little wrist. It makes you look slimmer and adds a casual feeling to any outfit.

最近私がよくチェックするブロガーはヨーロッパの方が多いのだけど、デンマークのMarieのBlame it on fashionは特にお気に入り。私が最初にを見つけた時はちょうど彼女がLAに住んでいる時で、LAカジュアルだけどどこかヨーロッパの雰囲気が漂っていてまさに好みのスタイル! 持ってるバッグや靴も欲しい物ばかりで下記にも誰かとクローゼットを交換できるなら…ってありますが、私の答えは絶対Marieです☆

1. 好きなブロガーやセレブリティはいる?
2. 素敵なジュエリーを沢山持ってるけど、どこで見つけるの?
いつも情熱的でアグレッシブなジュエリーを探しているわ。最初にいつもDannijoをチェックする。後デンマークの2人組デザイナーのLine & Joの物もシンプルで素敵なのが多くて沢山もってるわ
3. 為になったファッションアドバイスはある?

  人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ

Thank you so much for your support :)

8 thoughts on “blogger’s portrait #5 : blame it on fashion

  1. KS

    This is such a beautiful piece of art as always Akiko, thanks for the intro, I will definitely check it out! xxx

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