very berry pie

It was Omar’s birthday the other day and I decided to bake a pie. Although I didn’t know what to make even in a grocery store, I managed to get some ingredients thanks to my friend’s help. The berry pie was a perfect choice when I had a little time to bake since 1. easy to bake 2. easy to decorate 3. easy to carry. I used a frozen pie crust this time, but I’d love to make it from scratch next time. I’m happy that Omar and his family liked it :) *Custard filling recipe below.

先日オマーの誕生日に久しぶりにパイを焼いてみました。スーパーに行く直前まで何を作るか決めてなく、付き合ってくれた友達 (ありがとぅ!)と材料を確認しつつベリー類等を買い揃えいざBaking! と言っても冷凍のパイを使ったので作るのはカスタードクリームのみで後は焼くだけ乗せるだけ。簡単なのに見た目も豪華で何より持ち運びも楽で気に入りました。クリームさえ失敗してなければ味見できなくても安心な所も◎ カスタードはこのレシピを2倍にして作りました。

Custard filling ingredients :
  milk 300ml, 4 egg yolks, 7 tablespoon sugar, 4 tablespoon flour, 2 teaspoon vanilla exact
Directions :
1. Scald milk
2. In a medium bowl, mix together egg yolks, sugar and flour.
3. Drizzle milk into the bowl in a thin stream while mixing so that you do not cook the eggs.
4. Return the mixture to the saucepan, and slowly bring to a boil. stir constantly.
5. When the mixture comes to thickens, remove from the heat. Add vanilla exact.
6. Refrigerate until chilled before using.

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Thank you so much for your support :)

15 thoughts on “very berry pie

  1. Sanaya Pandit

    thanks for visiting my blog:) i admire people who’re creative when it comes to cooking, hahhah.
    anyways, how about following each other on bloglovin and facebook??

    leave a msg if yu do so. i’ll follow back asap!

  2. K

    Akiko this looks not only delicious but so so beautiful! Hope Omar had a wonderful birthday, so sweet of you to bake him a pie! xoxo

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