Halloween is around the corner and I start seeing pumpkin products everywhere. Kabocha squash is very popular vegetable in Japan (Kabocha is a japanese pumpkin) and one of my favorites especially during the cold season. So I decided to make simple moist cake from scratch. Because these are very healthy, you can decorate with anything, like whipped cream frosting without guilt for Halloween! Mine is vegan and dairy-free as I used soy yogurt.
Ingredients : 1 cup kabocha squash, 1 cup strained yogurt, 3 tablespoon sugar, 3 tablespoon unbleached flour * How to make strained yogurt here
材料 : カボチャ 1カップ、水切りヨーグルト 1カップ、砂糖 大さじ3、小麦粉 大さじ3
* 水切りヨーグルト作り方はここに色々載ってました
1. Cut the squash in half and scoop out all the seeds. Peel the outer skin and cut the squash into small pieces. Steam or microwave them until tender. Process the food processor until the pumpkins are pureed.
1. カボチャの種とワタを取った後、皮を切り茹でるかレンジ等で柔らかくしてフードプロセッサーに入れペースト状にする
2. Transfer processed kabocha into a large bowl and add Strained yogurt, flour and sugar. Mix well
2. ボールに移し、他の材料(水切りヨーグルト、小麦粉とお砂糖)を加え混ぜる
3. Using a spoon, fill each cupcake liners. Bake at 330F for about 45 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.
3. カップに入れて170度のオーブンで45分程焼く。楊枝等刺して何もついてこなければ完成
Thank you so much for your support :)
This looks absolutely delicious! Thanks so much for sharing.
xo, Meera | http://www.momentswithmeera.com
twitter + instagram: @meeranavlakha
Interesting. I have never heard of these before. They look delicious!
omg i would do this but i cant cook even if my life depended on it. :(
it looks soooo good:)
looks delicious. and so fall~
Wow, looks yummy!
Once again this looks delicious. :)
Check out my blog’s new look. Let me know what you think any suggestions are also great. :)
Take care
Once again this looks delicious. :)
Check out my blog’s new look. Let me know what you think any suggestions are also great. :)
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