air max thea

Here’s the list of what I wanted to do yesterday. First, finish the design I’ve been postponing until the deadline. Then going to the bank, and pick up contact lenses I ordered a while ago and some groceries. Then come home and do laundry. Guess what? the only thing I could do is to finish the design (at midnight). I feel like I finally learned a lesson : try not to over do myself, which I do all the time, and be okay. So instead of being disappointed myself, I’m happy that I finished the design (Actually when I write it down, it’s easy to tell that I won’t be able to do all the things above.. ha). Anyway, my long search of perfect sneakers is finally over. I’ve been searching for months literally and Omar gave me as a late birthday gift. This is the perfect pair and can’t wait to abuse them! Have a nice weekend-

昨日やろうと思ってた事:まず期限ギリギリまでやらなかったデザインを終わらせ、銀行に行き、コンタクトレンズを取りに行った帰りに食材を買い、帰ってきて洗濯をする。けど結局一歩も家を出る事なくデザインが終わったのが夜中… 私の計画って。。でこれしかできなかったって反省+自分にがっかり。こういう事がよく起こる気がする。けど最近良い考え方に巡り会えたのもあってもうそうやって自分を責めるのはやめようと思うこの頃。こうして文字に書いてみるとそんな時間ないよってよく分かるし 笑☆ 数ヶ月間ずっと探してた スニーカー。やっと大のお気に入りを見つけました

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Thank you so much for your support :)

13 thoughts on “air max thea

  1. Stephanie Georgiou

    Love those sneakers and what a great late birthday gift! I always plan to do so many things in one day and I end up doing just one or two.x Butt at least you did finished your design before the deadline.x

  2. Emilie

    Great shoes! I know the feeling of thinking you can do a lot in one night and then you end up doing only one thing (or worse, nothing) haha :) You’re not the only one!!

  3. Jill S

    Those are really great! I have them in winered! :D
    You have a lovely blog by the way!

    x J. from

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