almond coconut ball

I wasn’t really into coconut flavor before, but since I discovered coconut milk whipped cream, I started to try them more and more. This recipe, I found online somewhere (I forgot which website..), was easy to remember because of very little ingredients and no bake required. It’s so yummy and easiest recipe ever. I was supposed to use a food processor, but it turned out good without it. * I think I’ll use it if I remember next time.
Ingredients : 1 cup coconut flakes (unsweetened), 1 cup almond meal, 2 tablespoons maple syrup
* cocoa powder, powder sugar and coconut flakes for coating

材料 : ココナッツフレーク1カップ、アーモンドミール1カップ、メープルシロップ大さじ2
* ココアパウダー、粉砂糖、残りのココナッツフレークを周りにつけました
1. Combine all ingredients and mix well (use a food processor and blend until it became a thick paste).
1. 材料を全て合わせてよく混ぜ合わせる(フードプロセッサーがある場合はペースト風になるまでブレンドする)
2. Make balls and coat them with your favorite coating (I use cocoa powder, powder sugar, and coconut flakes)
2. 生地を丸くまるめて、好きな材料を周りに付けてコーティングする

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