I just added some Art prints on my Etsy shop! There will be two sizes: 11″x14″ and 8″x10″, Printed on 100lb high quality matte uncoated paper. All are my illustrations with ink and watercolor. Please check them out, It’d be a great add to your home wall or make a great gift to your loved one! I’m having Cyber Monday sale now. All products are 20% off
* Jade from These days posted my products on her blog too. So sweet of her, thanks Jade!
Etsy shopに新しくアートプリント ポスターが増えました。6デザインあって3つが11″x14″(28cm x35.5cm)、残りの3つが8″x10″ (20.5cm x 25.5cm)です。マットの上質な紙にプリントされています。今Cyber Mondayセール (アメリカで始まった感謝祭の次の月曜にあるネットショップのセール)をやっているので良かったら見てみて下さい。 全商品20%オフです!
* ブログThese daysのJadeがポスターを載せてくれました。他セール情報もここから見れます☆
Thank you so much for your support :)
Hi Akiko!
I featured your Etsy shop as the spotlight of my Cyber Monday sale.
Hope you like it! You can see it here:
Happy Cyber Monday!
Whoa I’m so happy to hear that! I’ll check it out, Thanks a lot, Jade!
Wow, so talented!
Very pretty! Awesome!
Lovely post <3
Your art prints are truly beautiful! Checked out your etsy shop :)
Ooh your prints are so pretty Akiko! I just favorited your shop on Etsy :)
Oooh I saw on Instagram that you mentioned an etsy shop. Had to check it out!
Too cute, Akiko! Wish I’ve the talent too. Wonderful blog you’ve got here, sweetie! Do let me know if you’re following me & I’ll follow you back right away. xoxo
Luxury Haven
Hi! Thanks so much for write on my blog, you can translate the language on my widget Google translator hehe, i’m follow you right now, hope you follow me too, I invite you to my X-Mas Awards http://acherryonfashion.blogspot.mx/ kisses!