
valentine’s day : homemade dark chocolate

Have you ever tried to make homemade chocolate? Me? I’ve tried some recipes with chocolate, but had no idea I can make chocolate itself until I came across her amazing blog and found this recipe. It’s super easy and taste just amazing. My husband is a chocoholic and he loves it too. The best thing is that we can adjust the sweetness and there is no white sugar in it. How perfect is that? I used heart-shaped mold   for Valentine’s day, but you can make any shapes you want. Even if you’re not a chocoholic, this is a recipe is definitely worth a try! *My hubby’s favorite was a blueberry one. Ingredients : 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 cup melted coconut oil, 1/3 cup honey, a few dashes of sea salt,  * plus any add ins you like

今までチョコを使ったお菓子は色々作ってきたけど、チョコレート自体を作れるとは知らなかった..! 材料を入れて混ぜるだけでとっても簡単で美味しいダークチョコレートができました。蜂蜜だけでお砂糖は入ってないし、甘さを調節できる所も素敵。今回♥型を使ったけどどんな形にもできるし簡単なので是非試してみて下さい。使ったこのレシピの様に簡単板チョコでも◎。日本はバレンタインと言えばチョコなイメージだしぎりぎりになっちゃったけどギフトにも♥ 材料 : ココアパウダー 1カップ、溶かしたココナッツオイル 1/2カップ、蜂蜜 1/3カップ、 塩少々、お好みの中身(今回はアーモンドとブルーベリー、苺を使いました)

1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl
1. 材料全てをボールに入れて混ぜる
2. Pour the chocolate batter onto a mold. or dip the strawberry into the dark chocolate
2. お好みで好きな中身を入れた型にチョコを流し入れる、又はイチゴをにつけても◎

3. Place the mold with chocolate into the freezer and freeze for about 30 minutes or until it is set 3. 型を冷凍庫に入れ(冷蔵庫でもすぐ固まりました)30分、か固まるまで冷やす

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belgian chocolate cake

I haven’t baked actual cakes for a while, but am so glad that I tried this one. It’s very easy to make, and taste amazing. It was gone so quickly and everyone loved it. I wish I could take more pictures to show you inside (crunchy outside and moist inside). I’ve already made this cake two times in a row!
Ingredients : 9 oz semi-sweet chocolate, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons unsolted butter, 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons almond flour (or regular flour), 5 large eggs, powdered sugar for sifting on top

材料 : 9 oz (約255g) セミスイートチョコレート、1カップ+大さじ2 バター、1カップ 砂糖、大さじ3 アーモンドパウダー(or 小麦粉)、卵 5個、上にかける粉砂糖
1. Put the butter and then the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 1min, then stir. Microwave for another 30 sec, and stir again. Until the chocolate completely melts.
1. 最初にバターをその上にチョコをのせレンジで1分チンする。かき混ぜて更に30秒、チョコが完全に溶けてなかったら更に数秒、チョコを完全に溶かす。
2. Beaten eggs with a whisk until well blended. Add the sugar and flour to the chocolate, then the eggs. and blend well. The mixture will thicken. Cover and set aside at room temperature for 30 min.
2. ボールに卵を割りよくかき混ぜる。チョコのボールにお砂糖と小麦粉を入れ、その後かき混ぜた卵を入れよく混ぜる。ラップをして30分部屋に置いておく。
3. Pour into an oiled 9 inch spring-form pan. Bake at 325 degrees for about 50-55min until firm on top and cracks from across the surface. Cool on a rack, then remove the outer ring.
3. 9インチ(約22cm)のケーキ型に流し入れ162度で50分~55分焼く。表面が固くなりひび割れるのが目安。ラックに置いて冷ました後周りの枠を取り外す
4. Sift powdered sugar over the top.
4. 表面に粉砂糖を振りかける

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banana chocolate chip muffins – gluten free

I had few ripe bananas sitting in my kitchen for a while, so decided to bake something before it gets really bad. When it comes to banana recipe, all I could think of was muffins (or bread). I need more variety.. Anyway the muffins turned out really good, and it’s gluten-free. If you use no chocolate chip, it’d be vegan too! I added left-over pecan nuts from these pretzels too. *Because I used rice flour, it gets hard after a while. To get it soft again, just microwave it for 20-30 seconds.
  A. 3 ripe bananas, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1/3 cup of soymilk, 1/2 cup agave nectar
  B. 2 cups rice flour, 3/4 teaspoon baking powder, 3/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt
       * chocolate chip or any nuts you desire

  A. バナナ3本、レモン汁 大さじ2、豆乳 1/3 cup、アガベ 1/2 cup
  B. 米粉 2 cups、小さじ 3/4ベーキングパウダー、小さじ 3/4ベーキングソーダ、小さじ1/2塩

1. Preheat oven to 350F. In a large bowl, mash up the bananas until smooth. Add lemon juice, soy milk, and agave nectar. Stir to combine.
In another large bowl, add B ingredients (rice flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt) and stir to combine. Add the dry B ingredients to the wet A ingredients, and stir until everything is moistened. Toss in your chocolate and/or any nuts and stir until evenly mixed.

Bake for about 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

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chocolate covered pretzels

I’ve been wanting to try chocolate dipped pretzels, and this weekend was the perfect time to make it for a family BBQ. Because it’s been extremely hot around here (near 100F), it’s great that I didn’t have to use my gas oven at all (Just microwave (about 1min) until the chocolate is melted). It’s so easy to make and look pretty, and the combination of sweet chocolate and salty pretzels is amazing! *Chocolate started melting when I was taking photos, so I recommend to do in a cool room, and keep them in a cool place. dahhh

週末家族BBQがあったので前から気になっていたチョコレートプレッツェルを作ってみました。最近35度越えの暑さが続いているのでオーブンを使わなくていいのが嬉しい(チョコをレンジで1分位チンするだけ)。プレッツェルの塩とチョコの甘さが絶妙なコンビで美味しい!見た目も可愛いしちょっとしたスナックにお勧めです。ただすぐに溶けてくるので暑い外に置いておくのは無理かも.. 最初の写真撮ってる間にも溶けてきました。冷蔵庫で冷やしてクーラーの効いた部屋に置いておくのがベストです
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oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Omar loves chocolate chip cookies and I almost always find them in our kitchen. So I decided to bake a little healthier version for him. I used this repipe, but changed it a bit by using whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour, eliminate 1/2 cup white sugar (added only 1 cup light brown sugar), added dry raisons (no chopped walnuts), and 1/2 teaspoon less salt. It turns out good, and I’m glad my husband loves it too!

オマーが大好きな為気がつくといつもチョコレートチップクッキーが常備されているキッチン。なので気持ちヘルシーバージョンを作ってみました。このレシピを使ったけど、小麦粉の代わりに全粒粉を使い、1/2 cupの白砂糖は入れず(1 cup ブラウンシュガーのみ)、レーズンも混ぜ(walnutsはなかったので入れず)、コメントを参考にしてお塩は1/2 teaspoonに減らしました。お店で買うのより甘さ控えめで美味しいクッキーができました☆

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