Color Palette

very berry

I really like sheer blouses right now and hoping this warm weather will last a little longer. The tart from bottega louie was so good and there are so many more I’d love to try (obviously!). I can’t get enough of short boots and just noticed that my sheer top looks like it has berries on it. So random shots and writing..but hope all have a good night/day!

透けるシアートップが最近のお気に入り。美味しかったbottega louie のベリータルト&他にも食べたいスイーツが沢山。この秋はショートブーツの気分。この写真達をアップして気づいたけど1枚目のトップはベリーの柄に見える様な?かなりランダムな写真+文章になってしまったけど、皆様良い1日を!

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earrings wedding_candle saichan_wedding gypsyden_lunchA few recent shots of my favorites. Leaf earrings I picked up at the gem fair, which have never been worn yet. My friend’s beautiful wedding in Laguna Beach. The bride was so pretty and such a great reception. Lunch at Gypsy Den in Costa Mesa. My order: chicken sandwich and adobe stew.

最近撮った写真達。ジェムフェアで見つけて作ったけどまだ使用してない葉っぱピアス。ラグナビーチの海が見渡せるロケーションで行われた友達の結婚式。花嫁さんも可愛く素敵なレセプションでした。コスタメサのGypsy Denでランチ。オーダーはチキンサンドイッチ+アドビスープ。

blue crush

bluedot_top blue_nails navy_bagr bluejean
I’ve been trying to post this for a while after I did something olive back in June, but haven’t been able to take enough photos (of my blue items). So I’m glad I can finally post this and will try to do “Color Palette”again as these are my favorite. Hope you like it.! Here’s something blue among my belongings.  From top : Polka dot top I bought in Japan, OPI. HL811-play’til midnight, Jas M.B London suede bag, Blue jeans, Mac eye shadow-fade

6月にsomething oliveを載せた後、ブルーバージョンも載せようと前に写真を撮っていたのだけど、最近青アイテムの写真が追加できて今になって載せれました。又このカラーシリーズを載せたいなぁっと思ってます。私のブルーアイテム達:日本で買ったトップ、OPI. HL811-play’til midnight、Jas M.B London スエードバッグ、ブルーデニム達、Macアイシャドゥ-fade

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Thank you so much for your support :)

something olive

tory_bracelet tory_me hm_cardigan olive_shoes olive_shadow
My friend gave me a gift certificate from Tory Burch and I ordered this leather bracelet a while ago. The bracelet I just received is exactly what I was expecting and am loving it. I was looking at my closet and see some matching color stuff. so here’s my something olive I want to share.


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Thank you so much for your support :)

ready for summer

crochetdress daisy_photo legs 21sandal

Crochet dress which I haven’t worn for a long time but it seems perfect for this season. Prettiest bottle of daisy, loving my toe pink-gold nail polish, and forever21 sandals I bought a couple weeks ago.

何年も前に買ってずっと着てなかったクロシェドレス。今年すっごく久しぶりに着れそう♥ かわいいDaisyのボトル。お気に入りのピンクゴールドのネイルポリッシュ。数週間前にforever21で買ったサンダル。

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