Valentino studded shoes has been a big hit and there are so many varieties I didn’t even know, from elegant heels to flat sandals. Which pairs are your favorite? I definitely like the flat sandals, but also love the heels wearing with very casual outfit such as boyfriend’s jeans with simple tee!
* They are pretty pricy but I found some replicas. See below!
今年はビルケンシュトックがダントツ人気ですが、ハイエンドなブランドだとValentinoのスタッズシリーズが一番かな? ヒールをよく目にしてたけど、バレエシューズ風フラットやカジュアルなサンダルまで沢山でてるみたいです。エレガント風なヒールをBoyfriendデニムとかカジュアルな服に合わせて履くのが素敵☆ かなり高額だけどそっくりなレプリカも沢山出てる様です

Thank you so much for your support :)