
simply breakfast

I’ve found many inspiring blogs especially after I started this blog, and realized once again how much I love food photographs. Simply Breakfast is one of my favorite blogs. It posts only breakfast photos and because I love her blog so much, it made me draw one of her photos. I know her picture looks much better than drawing.. but here it is.

このブログを初めてから素敵なブログを沢山見つけたけど、特に食べ物の写真が好きな事を再認識。Simply Breakfast はお気に入りのフードブログの1つ。朝食の写真のみを載せてるブログで、彼女の写真が大好きなのでイラストに描いてみました。写真のが全然良いけれど、折角描いたので載せてみますー

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