
baja california photo diary

It’s been a while since I first started to make this post (I almost forget how long it takes to make a blog post..) but it’s better than never, right? So we went to Rosarito Mexico last month and drove down south to Ensenada area. It was such a gorgeous day and I’d like to share the beautiful scenery I took there. It’s kind of refreshing to see all the photos again because I’ve been stuck on a desk all day lately. Have a nice weekend!  *Click Read More to see pictures

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rosarito photo album

It’s been a while since I took so many photos with my DSLR, but this is the last post from our recent Mexico trip. Hope you enjoy it and have a nice weekend! p.s. I just realized that we didn’t get any tacos there..!


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red tide

Today I want to share with you about the most incredible thing we saw during our short trip to Mexico. The very first night, I noticed that blue-ish neon color in waves. At first it felt kind of weird, then when it got darker, the neon color got brighter. By the time it was dark, we were so amazed by the amazingly bright neon light in ocean. Because of the bright moon we had that night, we believed the moon creates the light (really?) until my friend jenn pointed it out that it must be something else, something to do with plankton. Thank god she told me that! The moon don’t create such a light, dahh. Although red tide is a dangerous phenomenon that can kill sea animals, what we saw that night was pretty amazing. * I couldn’t take the wave photos (need new lens!), so photo credit and more photos here.

赤潮って昔教科書で読んだ記憶がある位でそれが何かは全く覚えてなかったけど、、こないだのメキシコ旅行で遭遇してきました。夕方薄暗くなってきた頃、波がザブーンとなる度にネオンの様な光が見えて騒いでたら段々光りが強くなって真っ暗になる頃には写真の様な風景に(クラブのライトと言えばいいのか表現力が乏しいですが、本当に明るいネオンカラー)。波が大きい程光も強く飽きる事なく夜中1人で数時間は眺めてました。月明かりがキレイな夜だったのできっと月だね、とオマーと話してたけど今思えばそんなはずないし… 帰ってきてこの話をした友達が知ってて赤潮だったとしりました。赤潮は海の生物に悪影響がある良くない現象の様ですが、この夜の景色は忘れられない素敵な体験でした。*私のカメラでは写真が撮れずここから写真拝借しました。

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hazy day in rosarito

I still have so many pictures from our Mexico trip. Hope you’re not getting tired of it..! These photos were taken in a cloudy day when we strolled around the neighborhood. There were picture perfect details and views every corner, such as street names and house signs (all are different and so cute!). p.s so random but my new and only spanish I learned there is “Alto = Stop”!

まだまだ沢山メキシコで撮った写真があるので今日は近所を散歩した時のものを載せてみます。車で通ってた可愛い小道を帰る前に散歩したくて最終日に歩き回ってみました。曇ってて少し残念だったけど色々近くで見れてよかった☆ 道や家の標識が可愛くて新しい標識を見つけては撮ってみたりオーシャンビューの絶好ロケーションなのにかなりカジュアルだったカフェや滞在初日に買ったバッグ等々。p.s 関係ないけど今回の旅で唯一覚えてるスペイン語 Alto=Stop です

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sunset in rosarito

We just got back from Rosarito, Mexico and had a blast! The beach house located literally in front of ocean and has an amazing view with the constant sound of waves. The atmosphere around it was beyond gorgeous and every houses and little paths has its character (a lot more photos to come). Then when we drove to the city, there is a completely different world. We saw a bunch of abandoned building and houses next a resort hotel etc. Anyway, shot these photos the very first day we arrived and the view brew me away. It’s impossible not to fall in love with this place.

週末旅行から帰ってきました。けど心はまだメキシコ.. 国境を超えた途端別世界で、久しぶりに全くの別文化に触れられた旅でした。義兄のビーチハウスはまさにビーチの目の前で見渡す限り海の絶景で1日中波の音が聞こえてくる贅沢さ&家の周りのビーチハウスもそれぞれ個性があってメキシコならではの色彩の家も多く写真を撮らずにはいられない風景でした。リゾートの一面と町中とのギャップも興味深い旅になりました。このサンセットの写真は着いた日に撮ったもの。他の日は曇ったりだったけど、初日にこの風景を見れて本当によかった☆ 沢山写真撮ったので又載せたいと思います

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