I still have so many pictures from our Mexico trip. Hope you’re not getting tired of it..! These photos were taken in a cloudy day when we strolled around the neighborhood. There were picture perfect details and views every corner, such as street names and house signs (all are different and so cute!). p.s so random but my new and only spanish I learned there is “Alto = Stop”!
まだまだ沢山メキシコで撮った写真があるので今日は近所を散歩した時のものを載せてみます。車で通ってた可愛い小道を帰る前に散歩したくて最終日に歩き回ってみました。曇ってて少し残念だったけど色々近くで見れてよかった☆ 道や家の標識が可愛くて新しい標識を見つけては撮ってみたりオーシャンビューの絶好ロケーションなのにかなりカジュアルだったカフェや滞在初日に買ったバッグ等々。p.s 関係ないけど今回の旅で唯一覚えてるスペイン語 Alto=Stop です
Thank you so much for your support :)
Never get tired of holiday pictures! Keep them coming! (“No” Alto lol)
Haha, Thank you- Keep em coming!
lovely photos dear!
beautiful pictures x
I love these photos! That colorful bag is so pretty, and so are all of the flowers!!
Ellie | Ellalogy
beautiful pics dear
lovely photos!
xx fameliquorlove.blogspot.com
Love the bag! It’s a great way to add some color:)
Personal Style: emmzielife.blogspot.com
cute pictures!:) love your bag!♥
Perfect pics, this looks like such a great place to stay!
I love the bag. It’s so colorful!
fashion and tea
Akiko, certainly I’m not getting tired of your photos! I admire when I see photos with a such good quality and I also travel with them!
looks like you had a wonderful time in mexiko :) i really have to visit it soon,looks so pretty
following you now on gfc :)
I can’t image ever getting tired of holiday snaps ;) I love that colourful bag, I have something similar I only seem to pull out when there’s a beach close by. x
steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com