naples ocean front

This is Naples where we stayed for a few days. Naples is gritty city, but the area we stayed and all the hotels by the ocean was so beautiful and felt safe. We went there from Florence and it was so much warmer and the ocean breeze felt amazing. Above pic is a restaurant called Antonio & Antonio where we ate famous naples pizza for the first time. So yum! 

ナポリで泊まったホテル周辺の写真を載せたいと思います☆ ナポリ市内はかなり治安が悪かったけど海岸沿いのホテルが立ち並んでるエリアはセキュリティがちゃんとしていて安全でとても素敵なとこでした。写真はAntonio & Antonioと言うレストランで初めてあの有名なナポリピザを食べたとこ。美味しかったなぁ。。!

There are many hotels by the ocean and the street (Naples board walk) were filled with people at night especially on weekend. We felt very safe walking around this street even at night.

ホテル前の道(Naples board walk)は夜になると人が沢山歩いていて週末は何かのお祭りかと思う程人で溢れてました。ストリートパフォーマンスしてる人とか沢山いてバケーション! な感じ。
napoli boutique hotel
Such a cool interior of a boutique hotel we stayed.

Above is Castel dell’Ovo at daylight and at night below. We mistakenly thought this was a port and looked for ticket center for a while.. haha.

ホテルから歩いてすぐのとこにナポリで一番古いお城Castel dell’Ovoが。最初ここが船乗り場と勘違いしてチケット売り場を探した場所。夜の写真は少し不気味に雰囲気が、、

There were some nice restaurants near Castel dell’Ovo, and we had dinner at a seafood restaurant. Small area but such a great atmosphere.

Castel dell’Ovoの近くにはレストランが立ち並ぶエリアがあって歩いてると客引きがすごかった。けど雰囲気も良くいい感じのレストランでした。味はまぁまぁだった記憶。

We found out this is a very special area in Naples and we later saw real Naples. I’ll post pics of the city soon, so stay tuned!


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