
route 66

I just got back from a road trip to Arizona and had a blast everywhere we went from Grand Canyon to Sedona etc. My friend and I decided to take Route 66 instead of freeway on the way, and here are some pictures from our first stop at Oatman. After driving in mountains seeing no cars around, the tiny little town appeared in the middle of nowhere. Despite of the heat (around 110f (43c)), it was worth a stop just to look around the lovely atmosphere. Hope you can feel it from these pictures!

友達と車でアリゾナに行ってきました。何故か体の変な所が筋肉痛だけど毎日グランドキャニオン等色々な場所に行けて楽しかった〜☆途中Route 66と言う伝統ある道を使って私達以外誰も走ってない事に笑いつつ進んで行ったら突然出てきたOatmanと言う小さな町。余りの暑さ(40度位)で溶けそうだったけどロバが歩いてたり古くも趣のある店が並ぶウェスタン調のかわいい所でした。

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mickey fever

Here are some photos taken at disneyland last weekend. The weather was perfect and we had such a great time all day long. I was looking through the photos I took and realized that most of them were food (mostly sweets) pictures. So typical of me.. The lunch at Big thunder ranch bbq was fun and yum, by the way!


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back to cali

Time goes by so fast especially when we’re having a blast, and here I am already back in SoCal. I had such a great time in japan spending quality time with my family and friends. I feel so thankful to have my support team I can rely on back home. I could never survive here without them all these years. Miss them all and can’t wait to go back soon!

楽しい時間はあっと言う間でもうCA。家族と出かけたり友達と集まったり楽しかったなぁ。ここで元気に暮らしてられるのも彼らがいてくれるからこそ。何年経っても変わらず会える仲間がいて幸せ☆ 私以外誰か見る人いるのか?と始めたこのブログも楽しみに見てるよーっと言ってくれてちょっと恥ずかしながらも嬉しい限り。尊敬するアーティストのお友達と今年の目標も伝え合えたし気づいたら年末、、何て事にならない様に又日本に帰れる様がんばろぅ。家族っていいね、仲間っていいね☆

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oahu power spot

power3 powersport_sunset
I’d like to share one of the most beautiful places we visited in Hawaii. Kukaniloko (aka the Royal Birthing stones) is where royal women were brought to give birth. In early Hawaii, this is where royalty came for the birth of their child to assure high-ranking status. We got there perfect sunset time and the view and atmosphere was amazing. I seriously recommend this place if you visit Oahu. p.s. Last one is my favorite photo of my adorable nephew. 


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