bloggers portrait #4 : love & olive oil

You may remember my love of food blogs and photography (here and here). I realized how hard it is to take a nice picture of food after I got a DSLR camera, now I admire them even more. I enjoyed making an illustration of gorgeous photos from love & olive oil, and happy to share one of my favorite blogs of all. Here are the questions I stole from their blog. You’ve got to visit them to see mouth watering recipes if you haven’t

1. How do you get such great food photos?
It’s a never-ending learning process. At first I thought it was cool to get as close as humanly possible to my food. You could barely tell what the whole thing was! I use natural light whenever possible, but in the wintertime I’m often stuck using just the track lighting above our dining table. I’m still trying to figure out a better nighttime lighting setup.

2. How do you stay thin even after baking all of those cupcakes?
We work out 4-5 times a week, and also do our best to make healthy eating choices. It’s much easier to do when you are cooking your own meals rather than eating out. We are only periodic meat eaters, maybe twice a week at the most, and then it’s usually seafood or poultry. We eat very little dairy or fried foods, and rarely go out to eat (2-3times a month).

3. What got you started blogging?
I’ve always been a bit of a computer nerd, and was involved with various online ‘newsletters’ and ‘journals’ long before blogs even existed. But what got me started with THIS blog was a fancy new camera and macro lens. What better to take really close up detail shots of than food? And since we’re always cooking, I figured, why not!

私のフードブログ好きはここでも何どか載せていますが、新しいカメラを買ってから改めて綺麗な食べ物写真を撮るのがいかに難しいかに気づいた所。なのでレシピだけでなくセットアップから写真の取り方まで全て素敵なlove & olive oil を紹介したいと思います。ブログから拝見した下記Q&Aと美味しそうなレシピ達はここから見れるので是非−

1. どうやって素敵なフード写真を撮ってるの?

2. 毎日カップケーキ等作ってるのにどうやって体型を維持してるの?

3. どうしてブログを始めたの?

 人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ
Thank you so much for your support :)

19 thoughts on “bloggers portrait #4 : love & olive oil

  1. kristina

    oh my goodness, these portraits are so sweet! I love the strawberries in their container as well as the blueberries, you’ve got such amazing talent my friend!! Xoxo, K

  2. Tatj

    Reminds me the drawing you made for Simply Breakfast, that’s interesting, how to do simply, healthy, and pretty things with food.

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