style resolution

I used to make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of each year, such as.. become a morning person (never happened), read more books and less internet (again..), or eat less sugar (…). So I decided not to make any and go with the flow this year. However, I have a style resolution. It’s almost same as last year but my style resolution is..
— Quality over Quantity —
The older I get, the more I love simplicity, less material and better quality. It doesn’t mean expensive stuff and can be low price vintage finds. The illustration I made is the images from Totokaelo and I’m obsessed with the items they carry and amazing styling. Such an eye candy! Have you made your New Year’s resolution?

毎年新年になると抱負を立ててたけど(朝型人間になるとか、ネットより本を読むだとか砂糖を控えるだとか。どれも続かず…)今年は特に何も決めずにいこうかと思ってます。けどファッションに関しては一つ、昨年とあまり変わらないけど “量より質”。より物を少なく長く使える質の良い物で生活していきたい。もちろん高ければいいと言う意味ではなくビンテージで安く見つけた物でも◎。 イラストに描いたのはお気に入りのサイトTotokaeloのスタイルから。AcneやMMM等最近気になるブランドを扱っていてスタイリングも素敵。中々買えるサイトではないけど目の保養に♥

 人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ

Thank you so much for your support :)

7 thoughts on “style resolution

  1. Kiwi Fashion Blog

    You are such an incredible artist! Your drawing is simple but full with character! As I have already told you, that far right one with thr coat and booties is so me! ❤️

  2. Carmen

    I have had the same resolution for a while but didn´t really manage to make it come true. This year however I will definitely think before buying and check out more high quality stores :) Let´s hope we can make this :D

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