
It’s June already? We are almost half way through 2014.. What!? I wonder how many times I wrote “can’t believe it’s already xxx” throughout the years. ha! Anyway, summer has started without knowing it and I noticed that some stores are already having sales. I haven’t purchased almost anything this season, but not sure if I can pass up summer sales. Did you score something? I kind of love overalls now. It looks cute and fresh, doesn’t it? There are so many great choices here and here. Ummmm *My drawing here is from my all time favorite Planet blue lookbook.

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new business card

I finally updated my business card..yes! Since I wanted a specific look (thicker paper with edge coloring), it took me a while to find a company but it was worth it. The Mandate Press offers a reasonable price of letterpress with edge coloring and I love the result. I was going to use pink coloring, but thought gold would look better with my illustration. What do you think?
久しぶりに名刺を新しくしました。具体的に作りたいイメージがあったので(エンボス加工、厚めの紙に周りに色入れ)色々探して少し時間がかかったけど想像通りのができてよかった! The Mandate Pressは他よりリーズナブルな値段でエンボス加工も周りの色入れもしてくれるのでお勧めです。最初ピンクにしようと思ったけど、このデザインにはゴールドの方が合う気がして変更しました


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trend alert: wide pants + flat sandals

I just realized it’s been about a year since I posted about Birkenstock, and the Birkenstock-ish sandals are literally everywhere now. You see them right? As I mentioned before, I’m still not so into the birks (as fashion), but love the flat sandals we can find this Spring/Summer season. Especially the combination with wide pants. It’s hard to pull it off (I need more height!), but it looks extra cool when people like Kaitlyn of Modern Legacy wear the combinations. Always fun to draw someone inspires me!

見てみたらちょうど1年前にBirkenstockの記事を書いてたけど、今年の春夏はまさにどのブランドも同じ様なサンダルを出してますね。ファッションとしてのBirksサンダルはあまり惹かれないけど(普段の買い物とかには良さそうだが)、沢山でてる他のフラットサンダルは惹かれるっ。イラスト描くために色々サイト見てたら欲しくなってきちゃった。。特にワイドパンツをフラットの組み合わせは中々着こなしが難しいけどイラストに描いたブロガーのKaitlynみたいにスタイルがいい人が着ると素敵! この春夏一押しの組み合わせです☆
Here are some of flat shoes I picked. * Kaitlyn wore 1. Common Projects sandals
1. Common Project slide sandals
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la eat : eat drink americano

I’ve been trying to post this for a while, and so happy that I finally finished the illustration for eat drink americano. One of my co-workers once told me “he just had the best sandwich he’s ever had” and he meant this restaurant. So I went and I agreed. So delicious. Besides food, can’t help loving the industrial style decor with wooden chairs, lots of brick and a huge chalkboard wall. You should definitely check this place out if you are in the area (arts district LA downtown) * FYI. closed on Sunday.
かなり前から描き始めてたのにイラストが中々終わらず、やっと載せれて嬉しい! 久しぶりのレストラン紹介は LAダウンタウンのarts districtにあるeat drink americano。今までイラストに描いたバゲットやフラットブレッドのサンドイッチを食べたけどどれも美味しいっ。食べ物を乗せてくれるウッドボードもインテリアと合っていておしゃれな雰囲気で素敵な所なのでこのエリアに行ったら是非お勧めです。*注 : 日曜はお休み
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life in heels

I may have mentioned it before, but I used to wear high-heels all the time. I had no problem walking/shopping around *most of the time unless I picked wrong kind of (painful) heels. However, I didn’t think about wearing even one-inch of heels while in Japan. No way! We have to walk miles and miles there (at least it feels like it) and my spoiled legs get so tired so easily. I love sneakers, but I don’t want to give up wearing heels just yet. It’s easier here in California as we drive everywhere, but I’ll try to walk in heels a bit more than a few steps. I read an interesting post of Sabrina of AfterDRK that she tried to wear nothing but heels one week. My drawing is from her amazing shoes collection too.

前も書いたかもだけど以前は高いヒールで歩き回ってたのに(足に合わない痛い靴は別だけど)日本にいる間は1cmですらヒールがある靴は履く気になれずスニーカーの毎日。ここの車社会の生活で思ってた以上に足が衰えてる。。 スニーカーも好きだけど、これでヒールを履かなくなったらもう戻れない気がするので駐車場までの数歩だけでなくもう少し歩く様にしよう..と地味に決意した所。ブロガーのサブリナが1週間ヒールのみで過ごすって記事を書いてて面白かった&靴コレクションが素敵だったのでイラストに描いてみました☆

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