vegan vanilla cupcakes

Today is our one-year anniversary! One year ago today Omar and I went to a city hall to get married (had a wedding a couple month later). I was going to surprise him with this cupcakes, but instead he came home while I was still decorating, haha. Also I tasted them first in front of him, these are still for my best husband. I’ve baked some cupcakes before, but this is one of the best and most importantly Omar likes them. The soy whip cream I tried for the first time was delicious too!

Ingredients : 11/4 cups All purpose flour, 1/2 cup Sugar, 1/2 teaspoon Baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon Baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon Salt, 1 tablespoon Almond poodle, 1 cup Soy milk (or Almond milk), 1 teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/3 cup Oil, 2 teaspoons Vanilla Exact


材料:小麦粉 11/4カップ、砂糖 1/2カップ、ベーキングパウダー 小さじ半、ベーキングソーダ小さじ半、塩 小さじ半、アーモンドプードル 大さじ1、豆乳(アーモンドミルク可)1カップ、アップルサイダービネガー 小さじ1、オイル 1/3カップ、バニラエッセンス 小さじ2

1. Preheat the oven at 350F. In a bowl, mix together the milk and vinegar allowing it curdle. In another bowl sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar too. 1. オーブンを180Cに温める。豆乳にビネガーを加えとろりとするまで混ぜる。別のボールに小麦粉、ベーキングパウダー、ベーキングソーダ、塩、アーモンドプードル、砂糖を加え混ぜる。

2. Once the milk has curdled, stir in the oil and vanilla exact. Whisk it well to combine. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, stirring it until all the ingredients come together. * do not over mix it otherwise you won’t get fluffy cupcakes.
2. 豆乳がとろりとしたらオイルとバニラエッセンスを加え混ぜる。混ぜ合わさったら小麦粉のボールにゆっくりと加える混ぜる(フワっとしなくなるのであまり混ぜ合わせすぎない様に)

3. Fill each muffin tin. Bake it for about 15-20 minutes or until a toothpiik inserted in the middle of the cupcake comes out clean.
3. カップケーキ型に流し入れ、15~20分焼く。楊枝を刺して中身が付いて来なくなったら出来上がり。

4. Let it cool completely before you can decorate it. * I used this soy whip cream and raspberries.
4. 完全に冷えてからトッピングをする。*私はこのソイホイップとラスベリーで飾り付けしました

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Thank you so much for your support :)

12 thoughts on “vegan vanilla cupcakes


    Akiko these are amazing. If you would like to share this awesome recipe on my blog or any great recipes let me know I would love to share your wonderful easy to do recipes once again, with a link to your blog of course…
    What about a guest post done by you? You send me your post and I publish it on my blog and you include a link to your blog. Let me know if you ever would like to do a guest post.

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