Can you guess what my fridge is full of now? Coconut milk. Bunch of them! I was going to make my favorite coconut milk whipped cream, but they must’ve changed their formula and didn’t separate the cream and water (which is crucial to make whipped cream). I opened at least four cans hoping one will turn out good as before until I finally gave up. So I made chia pudding instead. I usually make with almond milk or left over coconut water, but coconut milk pudding tastes so good. It’s easy and healthy dessert. I can make lots of them now, ha!
何度かここにも書いたココナッツホイップクリームを作ろうと缶を買ったのに原料を変えたらしくどれも水とクリームが分かれてくれない… 完全に分かれてくれないとホイップは作れないので再度買いに行ったのに(執念ですね)それも分かれてくれず、現在冷蔵庫はココナッツミルクで占領されてる状態。 なのでいつもはアーモンドミルクや残りのココナッツ水で作ってたチアシードプリンをココナッツミルクで作ってみました。チアシードはここ数年すごく注目されてる健康食品で味もくせがないのでゴマの様に振りかけて食べる人もいるけど、水分に浸すと膨らんでプチプチした感触になって美味しいのです。チョコバージョンは始めて作ったけど美味しくできました。簡単だしヘルシーなので是非☆ まだ沢山ある開けてしまったココナッツミルクはどうしよう。。
Vanilla Chia Pudding
Ingredients : 1/2 cup coconut milk, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla exact, pinch of salt, maple syrup for drizzling on top, any garnish you like (I added strawberries)
Chocolate Chia Pudding
Ingredients : 1/2 cup coconut milk, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1 tablespoon cocoa, pinch of salt, pinch of cinnamon, maple syrup for drizzling on top, any garnish you like (I added almond and dark chocolate)
Whisk together all the ingredients except for maple syrup. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Once you’re ready to eat stir in the maple syrup (about 1-11/2 tablespoons).
材料 : ココナッツミルク 1/2カップ, チアシード大さじ2, バニラエッセンス 小さじ1/4, 塩少々, メープルシロップ(か蜂蜜) お好みの量、お好みで苺やラズベリー等のフルーツ
材料 : ココナッツミルク 1/2カップ, チアシード 大さじ2, ココア 大さじ, 塩少々, シナモン少々, メープルシロップ(か蜂蜜) お好みの量、お好みでナッツ類
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i love making chia seed pudding! so good and easy
This looks so delicious — I’m definitely going to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing it!
wow looks so delicious dear
Wow Akiko! This look so tasty and refreshing! I’ve never tried coconut milk or coconut chia pudding! Beautiful presentation too! :)
The chocolate one looks great! I love coconut milk, so thanks for sharing this! xx
Thanks for posting! Looks delicious. And I love how it’s presented as well <3
This looks so healthy and delicious. I’m sure the texture is just divine!
looks beautiful! well done!
OMG this looks delicious!