vegan : chocolate almond butter cup

I’ve been craving sweets lately as always, and eating store bought cookies a lot (I blame on my husband..!). So when it finally run out, instead of stopping sweets, I decided to make something. Something doesn’t require the oven. This reminds me of chocolate peanut butter cups I used to buy often, but healthier version. It doesn’t look perfect but it’s sure tasty! *This chocolate need to stay refrigerated since it tends to melts slightly if left out.

Chocolate : 1/4 cup cocoa powder, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, pinch of salt and cinnamon
Filling : almond butter  *option- any garnish you like,


チョコレート : ココアパウダー1/4カップ、ココナッツオイル 1/4カップ、メープルシロップ大さじ3、シナモン, 塩少々、上に乗せるナッツやチョコはお好みで、
中身 : アーモンドバター(ピーナッツバターでも◎)

1. Mix all of the ingredients together until smooth. Pour the liquid chocolate into the bottom of cupcake papers to cover the bottoms. Put in the freezer about five minutes or so.
1. チョコレートの材料を全部入れよく混ぜる。カップに底が埋まる位チョコを流し入れる。冷凍庫に入れて固まるまで(約5分位)冷やす
2. Scoop almond butter onto each chocolate base. Then cover with the remaining liquid chocolate. Put any garnish on a top if you desire. Put in a fridge for about twenty minutes until the chocolate has hardened
2. 固まったらアーモンドバターを入れて残りのチョコを流し入れる。お好みでナッツ等を上に乗せ、冷凍庫で固まるまで冷やす(約20分位)。

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homemade dressing

I wanted to eat nothing but salad last week because of the heat waves we had (around 100f, 40c!). Oh wait, it’s more like I just didn’t want to use gas stove at all. So I made salad more often than usual, and here are my two favorite homemade dressings so far. One is basic italian, and the other is sesame dressing which you might tried in a Japanese restaurant. Making homemade salad dressing was a bit intimidating at first, but once I tried, it’s easy and the best thing is that we can add or reduce what ever ingredients we want. Ingredients below.
Italian Dressing : 11/2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons water, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon onion grated with grater, pinch of salt, pepper and garlic powder
Sesami Dressing : 2 teaspoons soy source, 2 teaspoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons grind sesame seeds, 2 tablespoons Mayonnaise, 2 teaspoons maple syrup
イタリアンドレッシング:オリーブオイル大さじ1強、お酢大さじ2 (今回半分だけバルサミコ酢を入れました)、 水大さじ2、 蜂蜜大さじ1、すりおろし玉ねぎ大さじ1、塩胡椒少々、ガーリックパウダー少々
just pour all the ingredients into the bowl and mix. Please adjust the amounts as you like
This is how we grind sesame seeds in Japan. There is a special bowl for it, but because I don’t have it, I just used regular dish (it’s harder!). I found this video on youtube. or this
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coconut chia pudding

Can you guess what my fridge is full of now? Coconut milk. Bunch of them! I was going to make my favorite coconut milk whipped cream, but they must’ve changed their formula and didn’t separate the cream and water (which is crucial to make whipped cream). I opened at least four cans hoping one will turn out good as before until I finally gave up. So I made chia pudding instead. I usually make with almond milk or left over coconut water, but coconut milk pudding tastes so good. It’s easy and healthy dessert. I can make lots of them now, ha!

何度かここにも書いたココナッツホイップクリームを作ろうと缶を買ったのに原料を変えたらしくどれも水とクリームが分かれてくれない… 完全に分かれてくれないとホイップは作れないので再度買いに行ったのに(執念ですね)それも分かれてくれず、現在冷蔵庫はココナッツミルクで占領されてる状態。 なのでいつもはアーモンドミルクや残りのココナッツ水で作ってたチアシードプリンをココナッツミルクで作ってみました。チアシードはここ数年すごく注目されてる健康食品で味もくせがないのでゴマの様に振りかけて食べる人もいるけど、水分に浸すと膨らんでプチプチした感触になって美味しいのです。チョコバージョンは始めて作ったけど美味しくできました。簡単だしヘルシーなので是非☆ まだ沢山ある開けてしまったココナッツミルクはどうしよう。。
Vanilla Chia Pudding
Ingredients : 1/2 cup coconut milk, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla exact, pinch of salt, maple syrup for drizzling on top, any garnish you like (I added strawberries)
 Chocolate Chia Pudding
Ingredients : 1/2 cup coconut milk, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1 tablespoon cocoa, pinch of salt, pinch of cinnamon, maple syrup for drizzling on top, any garnish you like (I added almond and dark chocolate)

Whisk together all the ingredients except for maple syrup. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Once you’re ready to eat stir in the maple syrup (about 1-11/2 tablespoons).

材料 : ココナッツミルク 1/2カップ, チアシード大さじ2, バニラエッセンス 小さじ1/4, 塩少々, メープルシロップ(か蜂蜜) お好みの量、お好みで苺やラズベリー等のフルーツ
材料 : ココナッツミルク 1/2カップ, チアシード 大さじ2, ココア 大さじ, 塩少々, シナモン少々, メープルシロップ(か蜂蜜) お好みの量、お好みでナッツ類


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la eat : eat drink americano

I’ve been trying to post this for a while, and so happy that I finally finished the illustration for eat drink americano. One of my co-workers once told me “he just had the best sandwich he’s ever had” and he meant this restaurant. So I went and I agreed. So delicious. Besides food, can’t help loving the industrial style decor with wooden chairs, lots of brick and a huge chalkboard wall. You should definitely check this place out if you are in the area (arts district LA downtown) * FYI. closed on Sunday.
かなり前から描き始めてたのにイラストが中々終わらず、やっと載せれて嬉しい! 久しぶりのレストラン紹介は LAダウンタウンのarts districtにあるeat drink americano。今までイラストに描いたバゲットやフラットブレッドのサンドイッチを食べたけどどれも美味しいっ。食べ物を乗せてくれるウッドボードもインテリアと合っていておしゃれな雰囲気で素敵な所なのでこのエリアに行ったら是非お勧めです。*注 : 日曜はお休み
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sweet moment

While in Japan, my friends from college celebrated our wedding at a french restaurant in Hiroo area in Tokyo. All the food were beyond amazing from foie gras appetizer to the chocolate eggshell with ice cream for dessert (even looking at this photo makes my mouth water!). I’m so happy that I have the group of friends we’ve known for a long time since teenager, and still remain tight. One of the best memories Omar and I had there. Thank you so much for this amazing lunch and bunch of gift! Can’t wait to see them soon.

日本にいる間大学時代のお友達が予約してくれてた広尾の素敵なフレンチレストランで結婚のお祝いしてくれました~ 嬉。皆小さい子がいたり仕事があったりで忙しいのに帰る度に集まって会える楽しい大切な仲間☆ 今回オマーと一緒にお祝いしてもらえて本当嬉しかったなぁ。フォアグラのアペタイザーから写真の卵の殻風?チョコレート&アイスのデザートまでどれもすっごく美味しくて写真を見て又思い出してる所。。もう出会ってから○○年も笑 経ってるなんて思えない&これから先も変わらず皆で集まれるのが楽しみっ。色々素敵なギフトもありがとう!早く又皆で集まりたい☆

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