I’ve been looking for a black structured bag for a while, and finally got a great vintage from Celine. Yes! Since I’m quite picky when it comes to vintage shopping, it takes time to get -or never get- what I want. It has to be very clean *it’s ok to have a worn mark though, and usually the items I save to ‘watch list’ on ebay are great finds (good job, me!). Then I end up getting none of it as the bidding gets much higher than I expected. Does that happen to you? It happens to me ALL the time. I should’ve learned by now.. Anyway, this was found a japanese auction site as I felt like they have better listings with lower price!
暫く黒のかっちりしたバッグを探してた所、やっと気に入ったセリーヌのヴィンテージを見つけました☆ヴィンテージとなるとうるさい私は予算内でいい物を見つけるのがとっても難しい。。Ebayで注意深く見つけたいい状態の物は全て予想より高値が付いてしまい結局買わずじまいな事が何度あった事か、、まぁ私の予想価格の設定が甘いのが原因だけど 涙。でこれはヤフオクで落としました。始めて使ったけど日本のサイトの方がいい状態の物が多い気がしました、物にもよるのかな。このバッグはとってもお気に入り!
Thank you so much for your support :)
cute bag,love the gold detaild xx
hello beautiful!
Your new bag is awesome!
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new post on my blog:
Moda Descomprimida
Lovely bag!
soooo perfect:)) I have a new post now and would love to know your opinion on it!!
This is such a wonderful vintage score!!! I have only seen this kind of bag/clutch on another blog (I believe it is Wendy’s Lookbook). It’s so pretty and will never go out of style! Congrats again! Can’t wait to see you rocking it!
oooomygod stunning!!!!
love it <3
A vintage Celine bag?
You lucky ducky!
Akiko, your new (well, new to you at least) bag is absolutely stunning. The structure is so timeless and classic while the simple black color ensures that your bag is extremely versatile. The fact that it’s Celine doesn’t hurt either!
I’m looking forward to seeing what your first outfit with this bag will be.
I hope you’re having a wonderful week! <3
I’m looking for one too, the perfect boxy one! :3 And so jealous of you and the Celine thrift find<3 x
This is amazing!!! I love Celine bags and this one is just beautiful. Can’t wait to see how you style it.
x Ellie @ Ellalogy
Lovely pick. I am very scared to buy vintage stuff because after I buy them I find hundred faults in it. I guess you do an excellent job of finding the correct one. I love your little illustrations. Do you draw them?
I love your new bag. It’s so pretty and classy. Great choice!
fai @ Cosette
I love it! And I’m so so glad I found your blog. This is a big inspiration source for me, thank you <3.
xo Sarah, at The Indie Fox
Love it!!!
The Fashion Heels
What a great find! You lucky girl ;)
wow this looks almost brand new too. what a great vintage find!!
steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com
Fabulous bag! I love the horseshoe and carriage detailing.
I’m your newest follower on GFC :)
Gorgeous Celine bag!!!