Fashion Live Sketch at Storets Showroom

Live sketch artsit in Los Angeles CA
Akiko Kato Ruiz

I had a great opportunity to work for brand PR event at Storets‘s showroom in Los Angeles. I drew influencer’s portrait while they were looking for a cute outfit in the showroom.


Fashion Live Sketching in LA CA
Fashion Live Sketch for brand PR event in Los Angeles
Live Sketch Artist in Los Angeles CA
Messy table while live sketching at the showroom
portrait live sketch artist in Southern California. Akiko Kato Ruiz
fashion live sketch artist Akiko Kato Ruiz

It was a fun event and thanks for having me there!

ロサンゼルスでは会社やブランドが主催するインフルエンサーを集めたイベントが沢山あるのですが、皆自分の見せ方をよく知っていて人の目を気にする事なく自分をアピールする姿が眩しい 笑。私が日本に住んでいた頃はインフルエンサーなんていなかったので(そもそもスマホもSNSもなかった)日本の若い子達も描いてみたいなーと思うこの頃です。

Fashion live sketch at LA textile show


I had a great opportunity to do a fashion live sketch at LA Textile Show in downtown Los Angeles. There were lots of vendors and buyers looking for fabrics and accessories, which reminds me of my old days when I worked in the fashion industry. It was pretty tiring as I was there whole 3 days during the show, but it all paid off when I saw people’s happy face when I gave them a portrait. It really made my day.

ロサンゼルスにあるファション ディストリクトで行われたテキスタイルショーでライブスケッチをしてきました。コロナ後初となるショーは多くの出展者とバイヤーで賑わっていて、パンデミック以前に戻った様で嬉しかったなー。久しぶりのトレードショーは以前ファッション業界で働いていた昔の事を思い出したり、コロナ前はブランドの方で他の展示会に出展してたので今回ライブスケッチという違う形でショーに参加する事ができて新鮮でした。

fashion live sketching in Los Angeles CA
fashion live sketching Akiko Kato Ruiz
with a cute attendee and my work table
fashion live sketch at textile show in Los Angeles CA
Live sketch at LA Textile show in Los Angeles CA
fashion portrait live sketching at textile show in Los Angeles Ca

Thanks for having me LA Textile and stopping by my booth to get a portrait!
* You can see more of my live sketching work Here.

Asoko Artist Collaboration

I’m happy to announce that new Asoko artist collaboration launched! As my first collab went well and many of you guys bought the products (see previous post), we launched another collection. They’re so well made and surprisingly low price, I bought many for my friends/family.
You can check it out here (sorry only Japanese available)!


ASOKO de ART Collaboration

I’m so excited to announce my collaboration pieces with ASOKO stores in Japan! Asoko has multiple stores throughout in Japan and sells adorable goods in an affordable price. ASOKO de ART is a project that allows customers enjoy art more often and casually. I’m so honored to be part of it.

この度「サプライズを楽しもう」をコンセプトとした雑貨ストアASOKOさんとのアーティストコラボ商品が発売されました!ASOKO de ARTは「アートを身近なモノに」をテーマにしたプロジェクトでバッグやポーチなどのオリジナルグッズが販売されています。 コロナの影響で日本に帰れなかったのが残念だけど友人達がお店に行って沢山写真も送ってくれたのでその中からいくつか載せたいと思います。いつもありがとう!


Collaboration items includes tote bags, clear pouch, clear shoulder bag etc. More items are coming very soon!


I’m bummed that I couldn’t get to see the beautiful store front and display in person due to Covid-19, but I’m happy to see my designs are in stores in my home country. * I’ve gotten some questions via instagram, but these are available only in Japan.



collectivehub collectivehub2
I’m so excited to share one of my favorite cards of akrDesignStudio featured in Collectivehub Magazine from Australia! I’ve been a fan of this magazine for a while, so I’m happy to see my products in it. Please take a look if you’ve already gotten your copy or you can get it some of Barns and Nobles stores in USA. Thank you so much for featuring my product. xo

オーストラリアの雑誌CollectivehubにakrDesignStudioのカードが載りました☆ 前から好きだった雑誌なのでとっても嬉しい! オーストラリア在住の方、もしくはアメリカのBarns and Noblesでも扱ってる店舗があるみたいなので機会があったら見てみて下さい。オーストラリアは今夏なので表紙が眩しい。。

人気ブログランキングへにほんブログ村 ファッションブログ トレンド情報(ファッション)へ
Thank you so much for your support :)