
cherry blossom

I was so excited to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom, but it’s been beyond my expectation. It makes me happy everytime I see them and hope I can share with you through these pictures. We also had “ohanami”, means cherry blossom viewing, the other day in the park (not these photos) and had a great time with my old friends. I’m so glad I could come here this time of the year. 


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zara top, bdg pants, linea pelle bag
A famous local train “Enoden”,which runs from Kamakura to Fujisawa, is my favorite train line of all. I always enjoy the amazing view from the window and “Shichirigahama”is one of the Enoden stations. We enjoyed famous ricotta pancakes at bills the other day there. Loving the denim jacket my sister gave me.

江の電は思いつく限り一番好きな電車。窓から見える景色も最高だし、それぞれの駅の雰囲気も素敵☆ 写真は先日行った七里ケ浜のビルズでのランチ時。何度か来た事あるけどリコッタパンケーキはやっぱり美味しかった。妹のお下がりのGジャン中々使えてお気に入り☆ 追伸:まゆ&秋山、又うつむき写真です。。 笑

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I came to japan few days ago and spending time with my family past couple of days. I have many fun days waiting for me and can’t wait to see my friends soon too. We are having a storm here in Yokohama today and like to share random photos I took yesterday. I’ll try to post more picture from japan later-
                     1. View from my mom’s place
                     2. Near my grandma’s house
                     3. Salmon and avocado bowl lunch at Bowls in Kamakura. Yum!

数日前に日本に到着&久しぶりに家族と楽しく過ごしています。これから長年の友達達に会えるのも楽しみ☆ 今日は嵐で外では風が吹き荒れてるので家にこもる予定。又こっちで撮った写真も載せていきたいと思います。昨日撮ったランダムな写真達は。。
                     1. 実家のバルコニーから撮った家並み
                     2. 祖母の家の近くの通り
                     3. 鎌倉の Bowls でランチ。美味しかったサーモンアボカド丼

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