back to cali

Time goes by so fast especially when we’re having a blast, and here I am already back in SoCal. I had such a great time in japan spending quality time with my family and friends. I feel so thankful to have my support team I can rely on back home. I could never survive here without them all these years. Miss them all and can’t wait to go back soon!

楽しい時間はあっと言う間でもうCA。家族と出かけたり友達と集まったり楽しかったなぁ。ここで元気に暮らしてられるのも彼らがいてくれるからこそ。何年経っても変わらず会える仲間がいて幸せ☆ 私以外誰か見る人いるのか?と始めたこのブログも楽しみに見てるよーっと言ってくれてちょっと恥ずかしながらも嬉しい限り。尊敬するアーティストのお友達と今年の目標も伝え合えたし気づいたら年末、、何て事にならない様に又日本に帰れる様がんばろぅ。家族っていいね、仲間っていいね☆

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Thank you so much for your support :)

19 thoughts on “back to cali

  1. maggie

    That sakura mochi (I’m assuming) looks very good! I understand why you miss Japan. I hope you get to go back soon!

    xx maggie

  2. kristina

    pretty pictures akiko! and welcome back to the states! i agree that family is so important and hope you get to go back to visit soon! you’re lucky because so cal is a beautiful place as well!

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