lets walk

vintage jacket, gifted top, nike sneakers
What I need the most lately.. is muscle, especially in my legs. I used to go to the gym and take classes like yoga, but haven’t done it for a while. I get tired easily when I walk or whenever and I got annoyed of it. I decided to write it down here as I’m naturally pretty lazy and am sure I’ll stop doing it after a while. So here’s my new resolution – to start building my thick legs. PS. please let me know if there are any ways to build muscle fast..!

最近ジムにも行かず、相変わらずの車生活を続けてたら体の筋力が落ちまくって最近では自分でも分かる程。東洋医学に詳しい友達と色々話した所筋肉はとても重要との事で、これから筋肉質の体を目指す事に決めました。すぐダラけてやらなくなるのでここに記載、数ヶ月後にはJr.アスリート位の体になってる事を願って。。何かいい方法知ってたら教えて下さい! がんばります

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8 thoughts on “lets walk

  1. K

    One of my favorite outfits from you Akiko, I love the leggings, striped shirt, camo jacket + nike sneaks! p.s. you don’t need extra toning, you look great as is!

  2. K

    P.S. Akiko, can you tell me where I can get those classic white Nikes? I didn’t see them on their website..

  3. Akiko

    @Kristina, I bought the Nike at random sportswear shop in my neighbor. It was on sale too, so I guess it’s a little old style? Sorry it doesn’t help..

  4. Issa Tchieu

    I have lazy bones too. just like you. I realise if we have been on a sport for awhile and stop after. It takes a longer time to get back to that momentum. I havent been very motivated myself too. There’s no quicker way dear…jus get ur feet to the gym. lol.

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