Fashion Illustration

be bold

Here’s my illustration with an inspiring quote. I love using ink sometime, and black n white was refreshing to make. Hope you guys are having a nice week so far. One more day to go!

イラストとどこかで見つけた印象的な文。インクを使って描くとペンよりラフな仕上がりになる所がお気に入り。白黒もたまにはいいね☆ 今週も後1日で週末だっ

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Thank you so much for your support :)

the equals record

I’m so excited to share that I become a regular contributor to a beautiful site called The Equals Record, which contains great columns about lives, cultures and women’s issue etc. I will be making a illustration each week (every other week for original illustrations with my thought, and the other week for other’s article). Thank you so much Miya and Shoko of sho&tell (she’s such a great writer!) for this opportunity, and to Jennifer for helping me with my bio as always! * This is my first illustration. Check out the article- here.   

この度 The Equals Records と言うサイトのContributorになりました 。毎週私のイラストが掲載されるのでよかったら見てみて下さい(月2週は私の記事&イラスト、後の2週は他の方のコラムのイラストを描きます。このイラストの記事はここから見れます)。女性が抱える問題等興味深いコラムが沢山載っています。sho&tellと言うブログを描いてるWriterの子が紹介してくれた縁で参加させてもらう事に。ありがとう☆

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Thank you so much for your support :)

just another fashion magazine

My illustrations are featured in Just Another Fashion Magazine. I had so much fun drawing the festival outfits with a great selection of items. Thank you Lisa for the opportunity! To read entire magazine, download here

Just Another Fashion Magazineに私のイラストが掲載されました。フェスティバル着こなし特集で依頼されたアイテムを着せた女性達を描きました。雑誌はここからダウンロードできるのでよかったら。。☆

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Thank you so much for your support :)

h&m x marni

Marni for H&M will be in stores this Thursday. Are you going to get it? I don’t think I ever had a chance to get their designer collaboration pieces before, but this marni one looks really pretty. I hope to get to (at least) see it in stores even a little later.. I had fun drawing the dress anyway!

H&MとMarniのコラボレーションが8日に発売だけど、購入予定の人いるかな?H&Mのコラボ品は買った事ないけど、広告等を見てると今回のはかわいい感じがします♪ 私がふいに行った時にまだ残ってるといいけれど。。このコラボドレスのイラストは楽しく描けました☆

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Thank you so much for your support :)

prabal gurung

 blueshadow_finalWhen I asked my sister her opinion on my drawing here, she replied with one word. Scary.. and it was! It had a creepy background at first, so I changed it thanks to her, and I think it’s better. But their blue eye-shadow (yes, eye makeup, not bruises) would never be changed as that’s the reason I drew them. The blue makeup is from prabal gurung’s show fall 2012, which was one of my favorites from NYFW. I found the photo on miranda’s blog The Chic Sheet I recently discovered, and you can see great review too.

妹にこのイラストどう?って聞いた時の返答、“怖い”。。確かに最初お化け屋敷?を思わせる背景だった為ちょっと変更してみたらホラー的要素は薄まりました。変えてよかった!しかし目のメイク(アザではありません)が描きたかったので目周りは変更せず。この青メイクはNYファッションウィークのお気に入りコレクションの1つ prabal gurungから。The Chic Sheetと言うブログで見つけた写真&コレクションの写真も見れます。

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Thank you so much for your support :)