
insta lately

The weekends don’t feel like weekends as much as I used to do ever since I started working as a freelancer. But I felt like having a little holiday this past weekend. We spent July4th in San Diego for BBQ and stayed over night there to explore the city. I had some works to do in LA yesterday, but could do little shopping too! It consists lots of driving down south to up north, but was a nice long weekend. Oh, the (wired) looking pink sandals my friend sent it to me from japan are supposed to build leg muscles. It gives me a little work out when I just do dishes!

フリーで働き始めてから以前ほど週末って感じがしなくなってるけど、この連休は久しぶりに休みって感じで良かった!独立記念日はサンディエゴでBBQをして私達はそのまま1泊して次の日はゆっくり観光。翌日は仕事もあってLAに行ったけど買い物もできたし行きたかったお店も行けて満足☆ 何だか南へ北へすごい運転したけど良い休みでした。あっピンクの不思議な形のサンダルは筋肉がつく様にと友達がわざわざ日本から送ってくれたもの 嬉。履いてるだけで軽く疲労していい感じっです。

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Thank you so much for your support :)

insta lately

Time goes by so fast lately, but never forget to take snap shots with my phone. Here goes.. Gorgeous view in Huntington Beach. Two of my favorites: Kate and gerbera. Such lovely sandals from Japan I got as a gift, The sandwich was so yum, Mirror view on a way back to home. Cap me. Love white toe nails, Homemade hummus, Beautiful view of LA downtown, From where I stand, Fun brunch with my friend couple, Love this colorful bag, Sketches for my column, Sunset from highway. Hope to see you there if you do instagram too. Mine is akiko_styleimported!


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Thank you so much for your support :)

insta lately

Instagram is so addictive and I can’t stop scrolling down my iphone even when I’m dead tired in bed..! Maybe I should post some of my favorite accounts here too. Anyway, I wish you all have a nice weekend and happy mother’s day! Hope to see you instagram too @akiko_styleimported

相変わらずインスタグラムにはまってて夜疲れてベッドに入ったのに又見てしまう始末。今度私のお気に入りのアカウントの方々もブログで紹介させてもらおうかなぁと考え中。皆様良い週末を&Happy mother’s day! アカウントはakiko_styleimportedです

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Thank you so much for your support :)

insta lately

Since I did hawaii version instagram, some are pretty old ones (but I’m posting my favorites anyways!). Photos are.. my recent silver nails, our favorite dim sum Sunday brunch, making lots of pot-stickers, trying side braids, beautiful cherry blossom in LA, Omar having a good time with his friends, cute eggs for Easter, to hotdogs and fries in downtown LA. Hope you had a nice weekend! *My instagram : akiko_styleimported

1つ前にハワイバージョンを載せたので少し前の写真も含まれていますが、最近のインスタグラム達。お気に入りのシルバーネイル、久しぶりのDimsum(美味しかった!)、夜な夜な作った大量の餃子、いつも同じ髪型なので試してみたサイド三つ編み、日本の桜を思わせる木をLAで発見、南国っぽい素敵な庭でビールを飲んでるオマー、イースターエッグ、ホットドッグランチ等々。他にも載せてるので良かったら→ akiko_styleimported ☆    

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Thank you so much for your support :)

insta hawaii

We had a blast in Hawaii and my mind is still there, especially since all my family was with us. I still can hear the sound of waves and feel the warm breezy weather.. oh how I miss it! This time we stayed in Ko Olina for the first three days and it was such a gorgeous area with beautiful lagoons. This is where we saw the double rainbow pictured above. Here are my oahu-version instagram and hope you like them.

ハワイから戻ってきました。日本から家族も来てくれとっても楽しい滞在でした。あぁ気持ちはまだハワイ、波の音が聞こえる様。。今回は始めて最初の3日間Ko Olinaと言うオアフ島西側のエリアに滞在したのだけど、ワイキキとは又違ってビーチものんびりキレイでとても良かった☆お勧めです。あっダブルレインボーもKo Olinaで見ました。まだ色々写真あるけど沢山アップしたインスタグラムバージョン載せてみます。

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Thank you so much for your support :)