I haven’t baked much this year compared to last few years, but holiday seasons are exception. I made another icing cookies using this recipe. You can see other holiday cookies I baked here and here. I feel like my cookies are getting simpler over the years. Happy Holidays!
stylish icing cookies
These cookies were made for Thanksgiving. The turkey look wasn’t appealing to me, so I just used leaves and ice-creams, my new favorite cutters. I know it’s nothing to do with Thanksgiving and it’s not summer, but couldn’t wait to use them! I usually make at least two colors of icing, but only used white this time. It turned out to be little more stylish icing cookies than the others I’ve made – easier and love the look!
*More holiday cookies I’d made: here and here
感謝祭の時に作ったクッキー達。感謝祭と言うとターキーだけど、リアルターキーのクッキーは作る気がしなかったので(こういうの)葉っぱとアイスクリーム型等を使ってみました。全然感謝祭に関係ない上, 冬にアイスだけど。。いつもは最低2色はアイシングを使うけど今回は白のみで飾りもゴールドと白でシンプルにしてみました。いつもより大人っぽい感じになってお気に入り☆ 色を増やす程固まってきたりで慌てるので、最初は1色でやってみるのもいいかもです☆* 去年作ったホリデークッキーはこれやこれ などなど
I could’t find the sprinkles I got at Michaels, but these are similar ones.
pumpkin pie
Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday because we still have a month left till end of the year (relaxing time just before the chaos), and of course all the yummy food we get to eat. So I am baking as usual and first: Pumpkin pie. I made pie dough into a 9-inch pie pan first and made stars using cookie cutters with left over dough. The star decoration makes the simple pumpkin pie a little more festive. Have a happy Thanksgiving☆
* I used this easy (but tasty) pumpkin pie and pie crust recipe.
何だかバタバタしてたらあっと言う間に明日はサンクスギビング、ターキーを食べる日です。私はターキーは焼いた事ないけど(今年も焼く予定はなく)いつも通りスイーツを作っています。この時期になるとどこのスーパーでも大量に売ってるパンプキン缶を使った簡単なレシピ(美味しい! けどかなり甘い.. コンデンスミルクの量を少し減らしていいかもです)。パイ生地を伸ばしてパイシートに敷いても生地が結構余ったので残りをクッキー型でくり抜き別に焼いて冷めてから飾り付けしてみました。シンプルなパンプキンパイが少し豪華に見えるかな~
* パイ生地はこのレシピを使いました。
I decorated the Stars up-side down. I thought it looks better that way (can you tell?)
halloween cookies
Hard to believe but it’s already October and I started to see Halloween items everywhere. It means my baking season is coming..! My biggest inspiration is now on Pinterest and can’t wait to try new ideas. Do you have any plans? These are my favorite sandwich cookies I baked for my friends. I love the little mini cookies. So cute.
Cocoa cookies with dark chocolate and sugar cookies with Apricot preserve. Chocolate ones are little bitter and Apricots are more sweet. Both so yummy.
I used this halloween cookie cutters. This is a similar one too.
two tone holiday cookies
Thank you so much for your support :)