happy thanksgiving

I made icing cookies again (along with apple pie and chocolate cake). We’re going to have a big dinner with Omar’s family. Stay warm and have a relaxing holiday everyone! Happy Thanksgiving


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19 thoughts on “happy thanksgiving


    Happy Thanksgiving!!!I am so hungry now with all this yummy photos. hehehe
    If you ever want to do a guest post on your recipes on my blog please send me the post by email and I will post it on my blog, you can include a little introduction about yourself, photos, link to your blog…
    Let me know I would be happy to have you as a guest on my blog. It can be one time or more times depending on what you want. :) It’s a very good way to give exposure also to your blog.
    Take care

  2. Kristina

    These are lovely. Perfect, just like from a cookbook. If they were mine…ah, well…let’s just say they would be edible, but ugly :D

  3. B

    I love this! I can create many things, but beautiful little taste creations like this are outside of my realm of understanding. I would some how find a way for the icing bag to explode. THus providing me hours of cleaning enjoyment. So I should probably just appreciate your artist cookie talent. Tanks for sharing.

    Keep it Sassy & Classy,

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