When I first visited ‘One 82nd’ a store my long time friend opened in Torrance CA, I was so excited and wanted to get everything they carry. From scented candles, hand creams, candies, to tom’s shoes. The location is kind of unexpected, but once you enter the store, it’s like a small version of Anthropologie minus clothing. There are so many goodies that would make perfect gifts for your loved one. She’s owned so many stores in Japan from an early age and I admire her so much. Must go store if you’re around *Click “Read More” to see more photos
One 82nd : 2147 W182nd St Torrance, CA (in the same strip mall as Nijiya market)
何年も前に仕事関係で知り合ったお友達がトーランスに開けたお店 One 82ndに行ってきました。私がまだ働き始めて何も分からない頃同い年なのに日本にもう何件かお店を持ってて本当尊敬☆ 内装も素敵だし、置いてる物もAnthropologieの様な品ぞろえで自分にはもちろんお友達や家族のギフトにもピッタリな商品 (キャンドル、オイルやTom’s Shoes等々)ばかり。こんな所にこんな素敵なお店が!って驚きなので近くに行く際は是非、なお勧めなお店です。*Read Moreをクリックすると他写真が見れます。
One 82nd : 2147 W182nd St Torrance, CA (ニジヤモール内)
Thank you so much for your support :)
What a gorgeous shop! I love the atmosphere, and it looks like they carry a lot of nice things!
Beautiful shop!
I have fallen in love recently with organic handmade soap as well! Never a body wash fan myself so I always gravitate towards soaps! It’s too bad I live no where near your friend’s shop :(
what a nice place!!
ah, this shop is so great! i adore their decor!
lindsey louise
Love these kind of stores.