vegan : chocolate almond butter cup

I’ve been craving sweets lately as always, and eating store bought cookies a lot (I blame on my husband..!). So when it finally run out, instead of stopping sweets, I decided to make something. Something doesn’t require the oven. This reminds me of chocolate peanut butter cups I used to buy often, but healthier version. It doesn’t look perfect but it’s sure tasty! *This chocolate need to stay refrigerated since it tends to melts slightly if left out.

Chocolate : 1/4 cup cocoa powder, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, pinch of salt and cinnamon
Filling : almond butter  *option- any garnish you like,


チョコレート : ココアパウダー1/4カップ、ココナッツオイル 1/4カップ、メープルシロップ大さじ3、シナモン, 塩少々、上に乗せるナッツやチョコはお好みで、
中身 : アーモンドバター(ピーナッツバターでも◎)

1. Mix all of the ingredients together until smooth. Pour the liquid chocolate into the bottom of cupcake papers to cover the bottoms. Put in the freezer about five minutes or so.
1. チョコレートの材料を全部入れよく混ぜる。カップに底が埋まる位チョコを流し入れる。冷凍庫に入れて固まるまで(約5分位)冷やす
2. Scoop almond butter onto each chocolate base. Then cover with the remaining liquid chocolate. Put any garnish on a top if you desire. Put in a fridge for about twenty minutes until the chocolate has hardened
2. 固まったらアーモンドバターを入れて残りのチョコを流し入れる。お好みでナッツ等を上に乗せ、冷凍庫で固まるまで冷やす(約20分位)。

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